Why do liberals on this board act so tough when they’ve been failing to make Zig Forums leave and losing the culture...

Why do liberals on this board act so tough when they’ve been failing to make Zig Forums leave and losing the culture war for like 8 years now????

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they are paid to do it

>Why do liberals on this board act so tough when they’ve been failing to make Zig Forums leave and losing the culture war for like 8 years now????
Alright I'm gonna come clean. I'm probably one of if not the biggest drumpf spammers on Zig Forums. Truth be told I have no interest in politics, in fact I'm not even American. The """culture war""" is me whipping out my phone when there's some down time on wards, I'm on break alone or going for a shit, letting off a quick shitpost and checking it 5 mins alter (almost always with 100+ replies). I don't ever reply or care about the responses, I just do it to pass the time. Sometimes I try baiting hilldawgs, but to be honest they've got an iq above room temp so I don't bother very often.

Now please step aside drumpftard, there are lives to save.

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Is this really what advanced human society is all about? Fattening up minorities and extending their lives like Wall-E?

have sex dork


I ran a disinformation campaign on here for Bernie 2020 until he got btfo, never got compensated. AMA.

Truly a waste. The entire existence of nonwhites is subsidized by whites in USA. You guys are destined for 3rd world, you can't keep this up forever normally, much less with all the anti-white hate that has been socialized into the low IQ mud people who do nothing but take and whine you aren't giving the enough.

90% of it
the other 10% is about getting mega rich over it

...so you did it for free?

prove it

>You guys are destined for 3rd world
I'm American and I can tell you the vast majority of it is third world
You have little enclaves where the people are still rich and white and have their heads in the sand and then vast swathes of entire counties where everyone is brown and massively in debt
The America of the past is gone forever, it's a consumer wasteland now

Are you a girl and do you live in Wisconsin and do you want to date?
This is strictly hypothetical of course.

Zig Forums - Television & Film

Because they're feminine and Zig Forums is masculine. Women try to "win" via social shaming, men try to win by reasoning. This is why 90% of left-liberal posting is mindless ad hom posted ad infinitum

>biden picks Hilldawg as his VP
>goes senile right after she gets elected
>She gets Her Turn while drumpf rots in prison
I can't fucking wait

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>hillary clinton loses to drumpf twice
twitter might kill themselves

Zig Forums was never here to begin with though, that's just a Reddit boogeyman. What Reddit calls Zig Forums is actually just classic Zig Forums, how it's always been around here

user has transcended basedhood


Wow they cant dislodge pol from their native website. Amazing.
Progress shall continue and your evil will not.

the culture war? wtf is that? is it as stupid as it sounds?

>The image that triggered the Zig Forumslution
You "people" make it too EZ.

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the angry kikes are here lol

If anything this shit can furtherst the "captilialism bad" shit more than alt-right shit


Based OP, white power

>Sometimes I try baiting hilldawgs, but to be honest they've got an iq above room temp so I don't bother very often.

It's because conservatives are honest and react logically to bad arguments you deceitful nigger. Leftists are indoctrinated with bad arguments, they can't identify them because their internal baseline is fucked from being turned into ideological sockpuppets.

You shitposting just hones conservative counterarguments, so keep doing it.

because Zig Forumstards are all basement-dwellling incel NEETs who have all the time in the world to obsessively shitpost

There are no "liberals" on Zig Forums as a sizeable user base, that's just your go-to boogeyman to dismiss any and all criticism.

Zig Forums didn't use to be half twitter screencaps and politics threads.

>Sometimes I try baiting hilldawgs
There's no such thing on Zig Forums.

Americans were a mistake

Thanks for the containment thread OP. Keep the retards occupied.


Yep, plus they're too pussy to just go to Zig Forums and post there, even though they have nothing to be afraid of really.

libtards seething in this thread i am going to type nigger here and in at least 5 other threads and theres nothing they can do. nigger.

It's cargo cultism. All they know is affecting an air of "sassiness". They think that wins the argument.

Progressivism is on its own merits thoroughly discredited, and only with great effort propped up by the ruling class

drumpf fucks ugly post wall hags
Biden is a cunnyseur and thus is Zig Forums's candidate

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>Zig Forums didn't use to be half twitter screencaps and politics threads.
I remember when Dawn of the Planet of the Apes came out those threads with one of those monkeys with an assault rifle and some rap lyric was all there was in terms of racebaiting garbage. They were called containment threads, not board culture.

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Not the guy you're responding to but I just want twitter and reddit screencaps gone from Zig Forums forever.

Things change. Get over it.

Seems like that's all those are though.

Lefty fags should just go to a reddit movie board and leave us based and redpilled bros to post about how shit women and niggers are

Zig Forums shouldn't be for reposting and discussing what cancerous niggers said on other websites though.
Why can't we just shitpost about movies and make OC instead of being an aggregate site?

You just know liberals are mad Right now

Because of autism and being hopped on on tranny juice.

I don't think they really get mad, I think they're on average so far indoctrinated that they barely feel complex emotions and react to stimuli like fish. I think the only time you see them show actual emotion is when they're anguishing over loss.

>fat white people don't exist
low IQ image, OP.
also just a fact check: if this board was totally liberal people wouldn't be talking about politics at all. the conservatives are the only people fighting this "culture war" while most of us just want to talk about movies. btw I say faggot and nigger all the time and I dislike PC culture, just like how liberals on Zig Forums have been since its inception just fyi

>le registered democrat face

no one cares

>t. 2015fag

>I’m special and my beliefs matter the most
Shut the fuck up

> if this board was totally liberal people wouldn't be talking about politics at all

They would be posting political shit for upvotes, attention and reaffirmation like they do in all other progressive bubbles.

>if this board was totally liberal people wouldn't be talking about politics at all
Leftoid sites like resetera almost exclusively talk about politics.

seethe more, retards


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sorry that you thought your milquetoast opinion wasn't worthless, retard
please let us know how you feel about climate change or what your workout routine is next

People just call out annoying fucks. Just look at your thread, why are you so angry you always shit up boards with your roleplaying?

Seems like a cool kid. I can tell you’re a mad liberal poster

keep fighting your epic culture war, user. you're definitely winning and you're definitely not a laughing stock of anyone with half a brain.

I can't wait until Islam dominates the world and both Zig Forumscels & /leftypol/cels are eternally seething.

I only see Brie Larson twitter caps or opinion caps that are specifically race or gender baiting from Zig Forumstards though. If it doesn't have text than it's just a waifu thread and I don't see how that's inherently political. Seems like you're saying "it's not just Zig Forums," but it clearly is.

literally me and the guys from our discord when we post blacked porn

Capitalism has literally won in the west.
Politicians are bought out by Corporations whether they're Left or Right.
Obama was a Saudi puppet, there are literally photos of him at College with Saudi Princes.
Commies will never win so you might as well all move to Chyna where you can spend your first 3 years in a 'reeducation' camp.

The lefty seethe is palpable as fuck in this thread

>The lefty seethe is palpable as fuck in this thread

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>Seems like a cool kid

hi Matt

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Some of the liberals here are genuinely kind and have decent arguments, most if them are just braindead numptys sticking their head in the samd screaming "lalala, there's no massive culture shift, none of this effects me lalala."

Imagine betraying your beliefs because a new generation of incels went through puberty and started yelling at you about shit they don't understand. Just wait another 8 years

I didn't know that Zig Forums was made up of democrats


Considering some of the posts I've seen here, I believe you.

epic retort

The stock market collapsed again today


It's not a retort, it's a fact
The guy whose face they traced was a registered democrat

What do you believe in? Niggers fucking your wife?

Don't worry Trump will fix it. It's Obama's fault anyway

trumpanzees can't cope with the fact that he is LITERALLY done
no wall, no deportations, no muslim ban (from countries that terrorists come from), the ONLY thing they had was the economy which is now COMPLETELY DEAD
you literally had a senile retard as your next opponent and he'll win just because drumpf made america the 1st in virus infections

I'm willing to support any extremist ideology that is capable of getting the world out of this slog of neoliberal woke capitalist bullshit.

Legitimate seething


they only care about appearances, they pretend to be brave because they are cowards

Sounds like you'll "support" anyone willing to do the work for you. You're useless and you deserve everything that happens to you and your nation.

>slog of neoliberal woke capitalist bullshit
What adjectives would you use to describe your ideal sociopolitical system? Genuinely curious.

Aliens, maybe. Ghosts I don't know about.

reminder that radical muslim terrorists haven't been a thing since 2015, rapefugees aren't a thing anymore, the past 4 years have been nonstop back to back mass shootings done by wypipo

Everyone I know is on the same page.

Legitimate coping

>back to back mass shootings done by wypipo

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>being this obsessed over shit you will never have any control over whatsoever

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Based but also Zig Forums aren't all MAGAfags

They're the only people who are smug in the face of defeat. It's quite strange.

that's the best shit to obsess about though because you don't have to actually do anything

The Final Redpill

Zig Forums is currently swarmed by actual, literal boomers who treat Trump like the second coming of Christ. It needs to be cleansed. I voted for Trump, I don't mind him, I'm not a fan of his pro-Zionist shit. He's not the issue for me, it's the fucking facebook boomers with their schizophrenic manner of typing shitting up my site.

Unless you're born into the right family, go to the right school and college, you will never get into politics these days.

imagine this is your life dude

Their entire ideology can be summed up as "rooting for the underdog." When they are completely outclassed, they feel they are in their rightful place. They gain strength from feeling oppressed.

So is it just me or is Zig Forums seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Zig Forums has turned against them. I mean, just look at this thread.

Binary thinking is the most anti-intellectual take on anything. If your entire world is based on five word sentences being your truth, or whether or not concept about society can be judged according to "winner/loser" , you need to fucking die. You couldn't be dumber.

he based

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It's just you LOL

>tfw rich, tall, handsome and politically inclined
feels good

>progress only goes one way
You're going to be very surprised in the near future

dumb nigger

Lol yeah totally, day of the rope bro


>Lol yeah totally, day of the rope bro

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Zoomers are literally the gayest and most mixed race generation to ever exist, user

Whether you think it’s good or bad, the pendulum is always swinging back and forth.

>tfw straight white man who gets called a tranny and jew on Zig Forums when I’ve won an argument
Feels good

Seethe and cope drumpfkin

>I’ve won an argument
wow go tell your mom lol

That's not a refutation of anything.

The fixation on the sexuality of zoomers reveals you as a tranny

You didn't make an argument. You merely glowed brightly.

based Matt

Making them seethe is my favourite thing to do during lockdown desu

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