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Dare i say, pedoased

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>this creepy molester dude might become president



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Trump raped like 10 women bro


they all wanted it and all those allegations were proven to be fake

also he's not a pedo like joe

I almost want to watch this just because of how sexy the webms are.

Proof? Seems like only Biden is on camera creepily assaulting women and children. Next.

>Trump raped like 10 women bro

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trump did it first and on a grander scale. i guess it took a "fave" dem to really get them to tell themselves stories about the rightousness of their path. scales falling from eyes: both parties are the same even in corruption and degradation. time for a true left to organise itself practically, fuck speeches: i want decentralized network living experiments done in a participative style, done outside the logic of market economy.

>trump did it first and on a grander scale
Stopped reading right there. No allegations proven or sentence handed out by a jury.

i just wanna see some video of Trump groping people, then I'll believe he has the real alpha potential like Biden. Too bad Joe wastes it on illegal cunny, any beta can rape a kid

wtf, biden is BASED???

This is the best candidate the left could come up with, among millions of libtards. Well done.

Lmao Pedophilia is cool just only on Zig Forums anonymously bro!

how does this matter in any way
unless they are competing for high score

fuck whitey and fuck zoomers

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first hillary and now a senile groper
they really worked hard to find the best possible candidates

Someone at shareblue is getting fired. This thread shouldn’t still be up. It’s gonna be 2016 all over again

>This is the best candidate the DNC could come up with

the right literally came up with trump, a serial pedo rapist
but the right operates on "durr I've seen him on tv so I'll elect him"

Absolute state of the_donald refugees....

At least he isn't womanizing grown ladies like Drumpfy

Surely I can't be the only one who wants to ferociously bang Margot from behind while she goes to town giving Kate the ol' lickeroo

what's this timestamp fuckery
>serial pedo rapist
don't count if it aint on tape bro

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>don't count if it aint on tape bro
ah yes this is the standard the right has used when defending donny t for the past 4 years

The state of this lefty lmao

Someone post him kissing his niece(?), she literally lifts up her skirt involuntarily.

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imagine voting for this genuine child molester
jesus christ what's wrong with americans

Hilarious, what board?
Zig Forums is too retarded to make something this funny

>Don fucks washed-up porn stars only with their permission and pays them to keep quiet like a cuck
>Based Joe rapes teenage interns and threatens their lives/careers

I know which one I'm voting for

The most laughable part is how you can pander to Amerimutt voters with racemixing propaganda.
What a pathetic nation.

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so this is the power of poltards

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>muh allegations from angry liberal whores that we're never even close to proven
>muh grab em by the pusy

Can't you faggots come up with anything else? Meanwhile there's tons of videos of Biden openly groping little girls.

Zig Forums

>he actually took the trouble
do you understand where you fucked up

>it took 20 seconds

this isn't very television & fims of you

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>replying again

Really? Is there a /chaden/ general?
I've never seen threads about good ol' Joe

Uncle Joe will make lolis great again

this dude literally has advanced stage dementia lmao

Shut it down, goyim.

big dick biden is /our guy/, fuck zion don

>replying again

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CREEPY JOE doesnt stand a chance against TRUMP

this isn't very television & fims of you

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You can just tell liberals are mad in this thread right now

You can just tell liberals are mad in this thread right now

Yeah imma just vote green and call it a day

So this is the guy the democrats coughed up to go against Trump.
This is the best they could do?

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Liberals destroyed ITT LOL

Liberals destroyed ITT LOL

Is him being a pedo with dementia supposed to make me not want to vote for him? Because right now he seems a lot more based than Trump

I think it’s because he was Obama’s VP but the dnc jews forgot everyone hated Obama except lukewarm IQ niggers by the end of his 8 years.

here he goes with the holocaust denial again

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libtards are seething over both biden and trump
imagine falling for the same scam twice lmao

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Obama is the most popular politician in the nation

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>sheeit aint dat obama's nigga? finna vote for him bruh

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wow! sounds a bit like being the sweetest smelling sewer worker in town

If you’re gauging by trannies, Jews, and lukewarm iq niggers sure.

Found it

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>Injecting disinfectant
> Nuking hurricanes.
>Using a Sharpie to control the weather.
> Alligator moats.
> Buying Greenland.
> Windmills cause cancer.
> vaccines cause autism
>mexico will pay
> hillary will be locked up

gauging by people

who are you quoting


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You can tell this liberal is mad right now

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She wouldn't be creeped out if he were.

So who are you guys voting for this year? I’m probably gonna vote for Trump this time I can’t in good conscience vote for Joe

>Joe Biden rambles incoherently for half an hour
>Joe Biden threatens to fight someone in the audience
>Joe Biden tells stories about his negative encounters with black people
>Joe Biden falls asleep during an interview
>Joe Biden shits himself and forgets where he is

Look at the mother behind. I think Biden has raped for generations.


does biden remind trannies of their uncles/fathers who molested them as children

> Buying Greenland.
the only thing I approve of
otherwise the cope from retards is hilarious
imagine still being part of the galaxy brain defense force 4 years later despite the constant flip flopping of trump, this dude must be so pitiable in real life it's hilarious

I'm not an amerimutt but you should trust me and vote CHADEN

Not really. Im just amused, because to vote for someone this stupid you have to be even more stupid.

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>also he's not a pedo like joe

No, Trump is a pedo and that makes Trump based.

He wants to fuck his own daughter?

democrats will literally support a pedophile and rapist just to see trump out of office

this is how badly trump derangement syndrome is

>Orange man good

Attached: Orange man.jpg (960x926, 58.3K)

>posting fake quotes
I'm going to enjoy your tears on election days

most jewish post ive seen this hour

So Joe has an affection for women. I get Zig Forums might take exception to this, because they don't have a dick.
But he (allegedly) has an affection for little girls, and Zig Forums picks this ONE instance to call out. This is the literal textbook definition of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

i get you’re trying to make this a meme but you need some work before it takes off. keep practicing bro you’ll get ther!!

Liberal poster deranged

>No proof of something so don't believe it
>this is the standard the right has used when defending donny t for the past 4 years
stay strong user, you'll make another 4

that ones actually real i remember watching it live. I don’t care if Trumps retarded though I’d still rather vote for him than “hey it’s that obama guy”

Liberal poster deranged

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What has Trump done that negatively effected your day to day?

Little slut.

Lot of posts violating the espionage act(which is in full swing due to kungflu) itt
I seriously hope you're not american

he was mean on twitter >:(, you can't talk bad words on twitter

you have to be PC, its 2020 COMON

Big bad lefty tranny is going to shut it down with his deranged anonymous flailing

Im ashamed to call myself american.

We didn't "come up" with him. He faced enormous intra-party opposition and battled his way out of an absolute dogfight of a nomination campaign. His supporters were ardent disciples of his platform on immigration and trade and that momentum got him through the nomination and finally the election.

This is how competition and merit work. It isn't pretty, but it gets the job done. The DNC is currently playing kingmaker and hand choosing who they want to run and it's only going to fuck them harder because that person tends to not have any real fans or supporters. You need fans to quite literally stoke the flames of support throughout the country at large and generate turnout on November 8th.

my taxes unironically went up simply because he hates blue states but doesn't know that republicans live there

This, reporting everyone ITT for violating American law.

This is so HAWT. Joe Biden unironically my role model. When i grow up i want to be a jail bait hunting, grand daughter kissing, no fucks giving creepy old man just like him.

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Get fucked racists.

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>he didn't already loathe his home country through frankfurt demoralization

I like how his wife is just holding her in place for him while everyone watches

Imagine still not understanding you don’t have to be pro Trump to believe Biden is creepy and to see you’re a seethe fest.

Generations of rape

Weird. My taxes went down :/

You know the uncapped SALT deduction was pretty fucked up though.

>Get all of the generous state/local benefits that come with high state/local taxes, as well as the same federal benefits, but pay less in federal taxes

The solution is to petition for lower state/local taxes as they were clearly propped up by this

>hurr durr he's a rapist
such a lazy argument. all politicians are rapists, it says nothing about their ability to lead their country. ghengis khan was a massive rapist. do you onions boys have any actually substantive criticisms or do your politics literally just reduce down to orange man bad?

trump won due to different primary contest rules that had winner take all apportionment of delegates unlike the DNC that had much more proportional apportionment. If DNC had similar rules Sander would probably have been the nominee. If the GOP had DNC primary rules then Trump would likely have not been the nominee

Why we still elect old farts onto top postitions again?

based jail bait hunting

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Why are Americans like this?
I understand hating Biden because he's a pedophile, but Trump?
What did Trump do except not building the wall and being jewish?

>all the biden supporters are mad ITT
It is just starting and already the Democrats cant get their act together!

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Yes Biden is a sexual harasser. Yes the Democratic Party is a joke. But if you don’t believe Trump would say some stupid shit like this....

I would rec reporting the moderation staff over users
They were here, but ignored this thread

Based Coons.

Yo little donnie, i just put my hands in horse shit for an hour to make a sculpture of you! whadya think of dem apples you orange bastard

he has my vote

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Yeah "superdelegates" are a way better way to decide the winner you fucking idiot

Lmao, wow they sure showed him. Did Ron Perlman do this?

Yeah, I will admit the difference was negligible since I'm not terrible with money, but it was just "ok.. so technically my taxes went up. The one thing republicans are supposed to reliably do for me when they can't do anything else, and they went up"

>Dont focus so much in his pedophilia guys!
>Heres some poopoo! Haha Drumph!

It’s not fair! Janny is supposed to delete threads that don’t align with leftist ideology immediately these days!

that doesn't address what I said but okay

literally molested his own daughter

>Trump talks about grabbing women by their pussy
>Biden ACTUALLY grabs women by their pussy
I think I will vote for the chad this time.

what an absolute dawg boss.


>Joe Biden still wins the presidency despite all of it
Gonna love laughing at all the Zig Forumsfags when he wins.

The weirdest part is how vehemently liberals hate any Republican President. Like it's not enough to say "I don't really like the guy or agree with his politics" they have to paint him out to be a racist/sexist/Nazi/asshole/rapist (every single time) and refuse to even see them as human. I couldn't even bother to care as much about Obama and Clinton even if I didn't generally agree with their platform. At the end of the day they are all politicians and shysters and your hysterics are convincing no one.

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Brainlet libs taking everything said about him by severely bias media as fact with no evidence. Allegations are more important than the truth these days.

I'm not sure what kind of point you're making. The 2015-16 Republican nomination race was objectively more contentious (split among about 5 front runners with Trump making his way up the back), and its format was similar to the way the US general election works. They did not conspire to elect Trump like the DNC literally hand chose Hilary and FUDded Bernie's campaign through their media partners. Your point is... ?

I’m ashamed to call you American too.

>when your argument is literally horse shit that you played with for hours
You're reaching new lows every day

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The right wing posts in this thread seem like they’re coming from a place of confidence and leisure. The left wing posts in this thread seem forced like they’re coming from a place of fear or annoyance or anger.

The funniest part is how people like you are only capable of thinking in blanket terms like "liberals" as if you aren't describing 100 million different people who fall on different parts of the spectrum

Which works Trump has a loyal base for thr RNC while Biden has some leftover goodwill from Obama but that administration is lukewarm to alot of people since they all did some truly awful shit and it's going to come out of the woodwork for everyone to see Trump as much of a jewloving incoherent retard as he is hasn't once used the pandemic to permanently erode any of your rights Obama and Biden did that just because

literal projection

there's a difference between being a good loving father and a creep like biden libcuck

Trigger the libs

>what is confirmation bias
I feel like you're coming from a place of retardation

In my experience, Republicans are far more likely to get along with liberals then the other way around. Liberals actually wish injury and even death to those who disagree.

they already won forever in 2016
that was the end, the satisfaction they received will last forever and there's literally nothing you can do about it except seethe

lel am I supposed to be upset because he likes lgs

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OWN the libs

only a child would think this way about politics

Figure A, ladies and gentleman.

Literally made for BBC(Big Biden Cock)

The right wing posts in this thread seem like they’re coming from a place of confidence and leisure. The left wing posts in this thread seem forced like they’re coming from a place of fear or annoyance or anger.

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>say liberals are constantly butthurt
>act butthurt about it like the liberal you are

>taking the bait this badly
Actually cringing on the toilet

joe biden really is an actual sexual predator and the overwhelming majority of people who deny it knows this. exposing joe biden as a pedophile grants no additional votes nor does it subtract from the votes he has most certainly secured. the left has no morals other than believing that western civilization is evil and that the suffering of the white man does not matter.

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Literally just proved that guy right.

well guess what buddy
you're debating with mental children and losing

>says he wants to have sex with his daughter
>good loving father
only if you're a subhuman degenerate

You have to understand user. They know they fucked up, so the thing they’re focusing on is the either or fallacy.

They think that they just need to keep hurling shit and finding that one little thing that will make you like Trump just a little less than Biden, and that if they can do that you’ll default into being one of their supporters because you don’t have any other choice.

They can’t fathom that someone would just not vote or vote third party.

>taking the bait this badly
Actually cringing on the toilet

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>No allegations proven or sentence handed out by a jury.
just like biden

damn joe is living that strom thurmond life ayyy


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even as a liberal I will admit this, not the injury/death part, but that republicans are more willing to befriend others of different politics, as long as the race/gender is appropriate for the social dynamic you're in. Like I've had people basically afraid to admit they voted for Trump. Millions and millions voted Trump, it's not like they're all evil people, the country would plainly be different if that was the case.

Republicans irl are different from online republicans though, the latter are insufferable. They cry about liberals crying about Trump, when we all know Trump is an attention whore who intentionally baits those reactions on a daily basis. Like I have no problem admitting that Clinton (or Biden) sucks, but online conservatives seem like they have to double down on Trump until they die and all that matters is some notion of saving face

Literally just proved that guy right.

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I live in a liberal city and get on reddit frequently enough. I know who I'm talking about faggot. I know conservatives too and it is not common at all for them to get as heated about Democrats even if they don't like them just the same.

Yes, we all know the Democrats hate democracy and get to handpick whoever the fuck they want. You understand that’s causing people to vote Republican right?

Cringing and laughing at you

>every single time
t. zoomer

This has been my experience too. I’m pretty eclectic with my positions. I’m pretty left on abortion, gay marriage, the drug war, and right wing on guns and other things. My family is composed of extremists, either right or left. The right sighted people can have conversations about whatever. The left people always force their politics into every conversation to the point of creating tense situations. It’s like a religion for them which is ironic because the right wing in my family are actually religious and still manage to shit the fuck up about politics for two hours.

Jesus dude... Please stop trying to help.

Cringing and laughing at you

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>online conservatives seem like they have to double down on Trump until they die
lol probably the majority of Zig Forums hates trump, they call him 'zion don'
they just hate liberals even more

Have you ever been around Rush Limbaugh listeners or an Alex Jones rally?

Oh come on. These must be false flags. No way shitlibs are this dumb

If you’re not in America you probably don’t know but there’s 24/7 media across all platforms that’s designed to turn you against Trump that you can’t escape no matter what. It’s like Hate Time in 1984.

The Democratic Party wants to enact a modern day aristocracy and subvert the need for public approval for major political decisions. They thought they were a lot more successful at it than they were with Obama being in power for 8 years and now that a Republican won on the face of a two year smear campaign they’re literally losing their minds at being faced with the fact that people can think for themselves and won’t just do what they say.

Fascinating. Do they symbolize the needy mothers that ol' Joe will be sending welfare checks off to?

>I have to have a jury tell me the countless videos of Biden knowingly violating women’s personal space and women trying to get away from him are real
Nope. I’ll trust my two eye balls thanx.

>Republicans irl are different from online republicans though, the latter are insufferable.

This. All the actual republicans I know are pretty nice, well educated, and are *much* less in-your-face about politics than my more liberal acquitances. But somehow the "republicans" on places like Zig Forums come off as very juvenile and angry, which makes me think they are just a bunch of shitposters trying to raise a ruckus and in real life they probably don't give a fuck about politics and don't even vote.

I have indeed. This is a discussion of relative numbers, right wing nutjobs exist but they are not common. It's kind of how like mainstream "comedians" shoehorn their Republican-hate in basically every nightly session. That isn't some fringe rally, it's mainstream TV. It's a certain, fairly large subset of left wingers who dominate the conversation because they insist on shoehorning their dogma into everything:

My sister is one of these. Intelligent but thinks her political religion really needs to be inserted into many things and then will get upset when that's challenged.

regret is not rape

You guys finally invented some reasons to like Biden?

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Imagine the timeline where he becomes president and when he meets Kim jon un's sister he goes in for a smell.

People will find other religions to believe in when God is removed. Be it politics or coporations.

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True, if you examine modern SJWism closely it's actually just puritanism in another form. People trying to control and moralize each other and deriving a sense of ego from it. They would have been shaming whores in another era.

the definition of rent free

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Real fucking soon

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The politicization of religion is concerning, it feels like the right is making a mistake here. We're gonna lose a whole generation of anyone who doesn't align with Trump to atheism and spiritualism. If you have pastors saying God says Trump is his dude, that really drives away a lot of people from God entirely. It's really weird how evangelicals in America went from "Virtue and character is of the utmost importance in our politicians" to being the most die-hard Trump supporters. This is gonna kill Christianity in America in the years to come and make us as atheist as Europe.


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>My sister is one of these. Intelligent but thinks her political religion really needs to be inserted into many things and then will get upset when that's challenged.
This is me. Is my sister your sister? Don’t tell me yours is a therapist too.

Mine was talking about some therapists she knows that worked at a local women’s prison. She was saying the guards beat the inmates and deny them mental health care and medication and when her friends complained the guards began slashing their tires. I didn’t immediately jump on board the patriarchy bad train so she got defensive and said “I KNOW PEOPLE!” I calmly turned to my wife and said “How long was your brother a nurse there?”

He had worked there seven years and he was never disallowed from giving meds or saw inmates harmed by guards in any way. But of course she wouldn’t be swayed. I don’t understand why she has to bring this shit up to begin with. Why can’t we just talk without fucking politics?

Expect them to try to paint Biden as "Based" with his antics. It's literally all they can do, and double down on Zion Don.

He's literally just your average Zig Forums poster in 50 years

Evangelicals are already DOA. Hedonism always takes over in times of gross prosperity like this.


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If god is control what’s the problem?
>it might drive people to atheism or spiritualism
Oh my god let me clutch my pearls.

Wait. Is Biden-san going to legalize cunny?

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>when even the jews cant defend you

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this was so stupid it had to be intentional subversion

I think their beliefs have been validated by the authorities at their educational institutions (my sister became a socialist thanks to a liberal arts college, go figure) and so they feel emboldened to preach to the rest of the unwashed masses who just don't get it. But since they never had their beliefs actually challenged in school or in general, it comes as a shock and an affront when it finally happens. Right-wingers go through a lifetime of pushback so it's just par for the course, and it fosters some humility. I stay quiet unless someone is saying something objectively retarded or is actually digging for an earnest discussion on something. I find it's way easier to discuss issues than politicians and a lot of "liberals" are actually way more right wing than they think given the modern state of progressives. They're just conditioned to totally and utterly hate "red."

yikes. have you ever considered that they side with trump because literal faggots like yourself support abortion and hate western civilization? christians are delusional, not retarded.

Zig Forums
The bri/pol/ guy who also did the hilldawg stuff that looks similar

On the contrary, it's literally all you can do.