Why didnt he resurrect them like the mouse?
Why didnt he resurrect them like the mouse?
spoiler that shit
Too late / too weak atm
Cause he's a crazy negro without magical powers. The worst kind.
Why didn't OP pay attention to the bit in that movie where this is explicitly and slowly explained? Is it because OP is a zero effort one-line spambot fishing for replies but only getting herbiage?
How did they explain away this discrepancy?
it only worked on virgins
He was too late bawse, he killed dem wit dey luv
But it worked when he grabbed Tom Hanks' dick
Why do you want to spoil the poor nigger?
There's literally a scene where Magic Negro explains that situation to Captain Phillips. I will not spoonfeed you.
Exactly. You won't tell us because you can't tell us. It never happened.
I have no idea what movie this is
They were dead for too long. Their souls already left the vessel!
Of course you don't ,Zig Forums doesn't watch movies.
>Big Nig is supposed to be Jesus
>Jesus resurrected Lazarus after for days of rotting in a cave.
>Big nig can't even bring back 2 little girls that have been dead for a few minutes.
What was the symbolic meaning of them only being able to save the warden's white wife by bringing a gigantic black dude into her bedroom?
Thats literally what happens in the scene...
Are you actually retarded? We have to send you to the gas chamber if you are.
He can't create life, he has to take it from something else which is why he lost his own health when using his powers later
tl;dr it would be extremely painful
he's a nig guy
You jist know that Stephen King had the largest boner while writing this scene.
A cool nig though
In the original draft of the script the nigger actually killed the cunnys but it was an accident.
Green is the warmest mile
am i the only one who thinks this movie sucks dick?
I get the fandom for misery sure... carey alright... shawshank yeah fine...
greenmile is just gay trash though
It's all based off the book. Do you know what happened in the book? I can see why they went this route though since it makes you sympathize more with the character.
Blue Kilometer
Because he killed them. Look, he's covered in their blood.
>Why didnt he resurrect them like the mouse?
Because he actually killed them.
Green Mile is what I call my poops.
Am I right guys? Am I right?
Animals don't have soul, the mouse wasn't a big deal, it was like fixing a machine
Didnt he say in the movie it was too late suggesting that there is only a small window in which he could resurrect something