Name one conservative actress

name one conservative actress

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your mom being a porn actress


Having a hard time naming legit ones, but I can name a bunch of porn actresses though. Wonder if there's some kind of correlation...

do catholics really do this

>Name one woman who likes the party that hates her, wants to take her rights, and objectifies her

no , that's fake nuns she's really cute though. very similar to arnold girl, same aura.

you gotta separate work and personal life

Because porn actresses are mentally ill

is that why liberal women seem to be in support of Islam?

catholics actually are allowed to consume alcohol yeah

>muh actress
Bourgeoisie moment

Shirley temple

in fact they're actively encouraged to

Stormy Daniels

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technically, it changes into the blood of Christ. if you disagree, you're proddy trash or a heretic


any apolitical actress at least?

Yes. The Catholic church (so devout they hold Anti-Gay protests) throws a big block party yearly where the booze flows like water

Stacey Dash

Brandi Love is pro trump and pro bbc. Based and redpilled

sounds based to me

I bet your sister (who is both you and your dad's wife) agree

Millie Bobby Brown, mostly because she's intensely homophobic. Her twitter got shut down years ago because she was constantly posting really hateful shit.

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>hating on catholics
>hating on christianity
ouff, thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg

most of them are but they can't make it publicly because hollywood is ran by you know who

Evangeline Lilly
also Rose mcGowan just became a republican

She's part of some sort of play, she's not nun

Patricia Heaton


Conservative women don’t exist. They’re just women who want attention by conservative Chad, be pampered while still being able to whore it up whenever they’d like. They’re also always pro-feminist in almost every way. “Conservative women” is just a male fantasy.

She got like a $750,000 settlement from the police over her arrest

Who fucking cares

This. I once dated what I thought was a conservative girl after she called someone a "kike" on the bus. Turned out she just one of those Chapo/Cum Town leftists and was being "ironic". Dumped her then and there and kicked her out into the street.

Nun here. We are allowed to drink but flaunting it like this would result in disciplinary action.

And fuck jews and niggers.

Sean young

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