True Detective

Is this the most kino episode of all time?

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No. You'd have to be an idiotic pleb with basically no knowledge of kino to think that

>Not an episode from Season 2
That'd be a no

>This is the water, and this is the well
>Drink full, and descend
pure kino

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breath taking action scene, did not expect something that kino on that episode. Failed to make webm of the scene

Is their a new season out? I kicked the cable company out of my house so I have no clue. Is it on after Good Times?

i still remember watchin that scene, i was at the edge of my seat. td1 is based

>Season 2

Zig Forums is ultimate contrarian

shot in one continuous take. No cutaways, no scene changes, just a single, floating kino

Episode 3 “A Locked Room” is better.

>long take automatically makes it good
it looked like fucking shit

shut the fuck up contrarian incel fucking shit

kill yourself you retarded faggot

Thriller that push and pull between the characters Suspense about the tension and what may happen.


The man with no taste found a computer

No it didn't

it really did, it was sloppy as fuck

I didn't like how he pushed him to climb over the fence and he just did it, otherwise kino

If disagreeing with redditor hiveminds that don't know the first thing about noir cinema or intricate storytelling makes you a contrarian, so be it. Don't be too upset over being made fun for being an ADHD halfwit though.

literally the worst episode of season one
fuck off to rebbit

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Why are contrarians like this?

>anyone who disagrees with me is a contrarian
life must be so easy when you have a boogeyman

can you get into details why you dislike it

Just started s2, give me a QRD. Why was it not memed as much as s1 or even s2?

ginger just complied for no reason at all, everyone around them were retarded and blind and the way rust took down the dudes attacking him looked so retarded and lazy

it was badly shot
it was badly acted
it was poorly written
and worst of all it was completely out of tone with the rest of the episode and season 1 in general

Season 3 came out last years. It’s mediocrity done competently compared to season 2’s ambition done incompetently

Cringe I can smell the sweat and sense the aggrevation

No, this is. This one makes roaties seethe

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Don't be fooled by that nu-Zig Forums poster, s02 got shit all over weekly on here when it was originally airing. Rightfully so as compared to the first season it was an absolute let-down. The only good thing coming from it was Frankposting.

Exactly, I was here for it. Frankposting was amazing though

>It’s mediocrity done competently
It was painfully trying to be s1 and failed miserably. Dorff was fucking ace in it, though.