Who /drunk/ here? Get in here bros what kino you watching?

Who /drunk/ here? Get in here bros what kino you watching?

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Rewatching True Detective season 1. I'm literally Rust

Two and a Half men. I am Charlie.

Gave up binge drinking 6 weeks ago and I still feel the same

You exercising?

TCM is doing a block off Tennessee Williams kino

I've been sober for 50 days

I watched Goodfellas about three hours ago and have just been listening to music on youtube while shitposting on here since. Bottle will be done in about an hour then I'll probably go to bed.

bro its noon, get help


I got drunk last night and watched Trees Lounge, then Fat City. Extremely comfy time. Now im hungover. Both kino drinking films though, especially when you take a drink every time they drink.

That's why bud. Go to the gym, get fit. You'll feel good

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I live in Asia bro

Trees Lounge is fantastic. I love the ending, he's destined to stay in the bar and become like that old guy. I love the bar trick but it doesn't work a lot in real life. Also think it's lame Steve Buscemi chose a hot love interest since he's Director, although I probably would have done the same if I was him

Might whe they open again but I'm a pussy and have no idea where to start

That ending hit me hard, mostly because of how abrupt it was. I was expecting him to say fuck it and go to the hospital to see the old guy in his final moments, but he's destined to just stay pathetically escaping reality at the bar. The one thing that did feel unrealistic was someone as ugly as Buscemi macking all these pretty women, though alcohol has made people do crazier things than get with an ugly charismatic alcoholic.

Here you go bud. I'm a manlet but started lifting recently and researched a better diet and lifting exercises. Helped a lot with my confidence.


Or this one


Yeah. It's really up to us if we wanna change our future. We don't have to accept our destiny, we gotta take the first step. I related way to much to the main character

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>mfw its ramadan
>mfw cant drink for another 3 weeks

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Been up since 11 a.m. eastern. Started a fifth of vodka. Will finish by midnight. Do this everyday. I don't think I'm an alcoholic but my liver might disagree.

Forget all that shit. Start just running. Doesn’t make sense to start lifting until your cardio is good and hearts healthy anyway.

Jus watched There Will be Blood with my daddy Daniel was super comfy

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Halfway through a bottle of rum and watching Dead Man's Chest. Comfy as fuck


Haven't started drinking yet but will shortly. Been rat arsed drunk every night for the past week due cabin fever thanks to corona chan enforced NEETdom.
If this lockdown bullshit doesn't end soon I'm going to lose my fucking mind

Do Muslims really browse Zig Forums?

Just start running. Also, I don't know how it is for most people, but the alcohol always gets in my legs. They feel wobbly and tired. Stretch every day when you get out of bed. It's easy and doesn't take a lot of time.

Yeah. I like to run on treadmill in the gym though because I'm self conscious of running in public places (open parks for example)

They know we have the superior lifestyle.

I'm the same, but you get over that easily. Once you start running you forget about being self conscious after 5 minutes. Just do it faggot.