Star in Lena Dunham show

>star in Lena Dunham show
>star in Disney Wars
>walk out with career unscathed
>not a jew


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he's just based with a chad voice

by being based

>Nose like that
>not jewish
is this true?

He's a mutt.

What a repelling mid-face

yep, he't just ugly cute, kinda like gosling

he was in black klansmen to signal he'll be a good shabbos goy

ugly noses aren't reserved for just jews.

he's a good actor

He literally carried the disney trilogy by himself since everyone else either didn't give a shit or literally were just terrible actors. Also he's taken good projects ever since he did Force awakens unlike daisy who did some shitty mystery film and a half assed shakespeare adaptation.

Yes, he's a white american from the midwest. His family history is on wikipedia.

No male actually watched Girls so it's not like that was going to impact their opinion of him one way or another. Being easily the best new actor in nuWars helped his image immensely.

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is legitimate kino

Daisy outperformed him in Rise of Skywalker though and right now she's getting better roles after the shit ones she got after TFA.

Pretending to be sexually attracted to Lena Dunham showed everyone how much of a good actor he really is.

a class act who actually seems to love working in films and can even get on crotchety harry fords good side
he doesn't care about celebrity or engaging in twitter drama it would seem

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Lol what roles has she gotten

tros was pretty rough, all he got to do was cringey one liners, simp after rey, and get beat up

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I felt almost bad for him

It was a flop though

Doesn't matter, was kino

She's got a scifi shlock movie coming up directed by a very hit or miss director, who's had more more misses in recent years than hits. Meanwhile Adam Driver has a ridley scott (arguably also a hit or miss director but at least better than Liman) movie coming up along with a role in a very popular French director's english debut with marion Cotillard, who's regarded as one of the best actress working right now. I mean desu Oscar Issac probably has the best future now since he's got Dune in leading role along with another role in an oscar buzz director's film.


I’m not a fan. Think he’s pretty meh all around and I don’t get the appeal but you cannot day he didn’t pay his dues having to do love scenes with that cow monster Lena.

Dune is going to bomb and Duke Leto isn't a remarkable role let alone a leading one.

I have this feeling too. Dune isn’t for everyone. They are over estimating it’s mass appeal.

I don't think they're overestimating its appeal so much as they're just idiots who don't understand anything looking for the next sci-fi franchise to make money off of.

Honestly denis should go back to making smaller budget thrillers like Prisoners, Sicario or Enemy. Even Arrival was a good project for him because the budget was relatively small compared to other scifi. Also any Dune adaption just sounds disappointing compared to Jodorowsky's vision.

>time to kill some skinnies

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How do you go from this...