Based or cringe

based or cringe

Attached: france greece.jpg (700x444, 90.5K)

I don't wanna collaborate with French people

Never met a Greek in my life, but why not, meds are generally friendly.



BASED also make a fourman handshake add in armenia and n-k

The ethernal kraut

cringe because you haven't actually done anything put roaches in their place

Enjoy your ban abdullah

>Gigantic population
>Fights single war
>Surenders WW2

>Country of a couple of millions
>400 years of roach ocupation
>Wartorn for 100 years
>First counter attack against axis
>Beat italians and their albanian allies

France is a country of weaklings.

>Beat italians
Woah I'm impressed.

pay debt, fucking brown retards

Based, lets give you back Byzantium back greekbro

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>couple of millions
Really ?

Attached: 29e.png (604x604, 88.4K)


>>Gigantic population
We are only 65 millions.

Had a school trip to Greece. Some old merchant ladies spoke French to us and a waiter broke a plate which is apparently a sign of joy and excitement or something. They're pretty good.

Greece would genocide turks if it had the same population

They can already genocide the Bulgarians if they want to but chose not to as they are civilised peoples

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They had a gigantic population at some point but still lost their empire to arabs and balkanoids piece by piece

thats like 6 and a half greeces

why is quebec shirt black but french shirtnwhite

because they lost most of it to turks

Big cringio


Modern philhellenism started in France

Attached: Victor_Hugo_by_Étienne_Carjat_1876_-_full.jpg (2140x2632, 948.79K)

>Philhellenism, Egyptology
why are we like this, why we like foreign dead culture so much

france is brown, now too


>gayreek takes pride in being an Ottoman cocksleeve for several centuries
It's not like you have many achievements to be proud of, mind you.

We ain't dead though


Finish what you started

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We just like to romanticise foreign cultures. Japonisme was a thing too. We also admired the Italians of the Renaissance.

Turcbros how is the French part ? Planning to settle abroad.