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Another massive victory for European Union

I hope so but I suspect he's gonna do something

nth for funpostiong and the finality of time

my brain is getting smoother by the second

Then that's it. It's been an honour...

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We need voter ID now!

meaty thigh power for trump

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hes already trying to and getting swatted down. republicans will not hesitate to dunk on his ass at every turn. he has no allies

Good fucking riddance. Now let me in Biden

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if one extra Elector in maine or nebraska votes hrumph, it's a draw at 269-269.
so much trolling power for one joke politician.


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Sad that your only remaining strategy is trying to stop people from voting

bros... blumpf...



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those have to be the least impressive gams i've seen in my life.


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This, if anything goes to the Supreme Court I half expect them to rule against his bullshit despite having a conservative majority

this, niggers couldnt possibly have an ID at all

Lmao they literally declared AZ and Wisconsin before they finished counting.
2020 is the year of projection and gaslighting

jeb landslide incoming

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It's quite simple really
Socialism is the transition stage to communism
A socialist state would be under the dictatorship of the proletariat after. successfully taking the means of the production from the bourgeoisie
None of that applies to the US

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Blumpf also declared wisconsin and michigan and look what happened

how dumb do you have to be to be gaslighted

do you see how that didn't happen though?

that's only one of its many definnitions, and the majority of people don't use it that way

if the majority of people misuse a word, that becomes it's meaning, it's stupid, but that's the way it works

I’m surprised you know what a State Elector is user. I’m proud of you for taking the time to read about how it works instead of just learning on the fly through Zig Forums memes.

Reminder that sleepy Joe is making sure the white man's days are numbered, its the BBC age.

Attached: ba6bede5-abb7-4142-adf5-e0b2db8a7a82-AP_Election_2020_DNC_Biden.jpg (2688x1792, 312.61K)

why do biden's sons look like chads but drumpf's are all ugly?

Why don't you guys engage is some sort of socialism, but for the benefit of a strong, racially pure nation?

this, the party is done with him

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you mean biden's son, and he's a crackhead

how come the numbers don't change but the percentage rises?
did they really get 33% joke votes in Nevada and now they're stuck checking if any of them say Joe or Donald?

Stop arguing about it you retards. Here is your answer


>that's only one of its many definnitions,
No it isn't
That's the literal and only correct definition of Socialism
The other definition are for shit like Social democracy, which is just welfare capitalism
>and the majority of people don't use it that way
Because the majority of the people don't know what socialism is
>if the majority of people misuse a word, that becomes it's meaning, it's stupid, but that's the way it works
Nah nigga that ain't it
Because that's retarded

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AKA a Chad

PA is 100% going red. Dems are just deciding whether to not throw MI or NV. They will probably keep MI and not rig NV to keep the vote as close as possible for max rage

biden is a real chad. trump uses money to pretend to be a chad.

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nevada is a shithole, doesnt surprise me people are too stupid to vote or count votes

Is American politics a joke?

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you've been reading too many Zig Forums conspiracy theories (or trump tweets)

It takes a while to check provisional and mail-in ballots. By their very nature, you sometimes have to roll back some votes. Not that high though, usually its in the low single percentage points.

is Drumpf oficially btfo now?

Biden is ahead in MI with 99% reporting. Trump’s only hope is some fuckery in NV or AZ. Otherwise, Biden will finish with 270.

Roberts, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Bryer would all vote against him. Gorsuch is a maybe, ACB a wildcard.

his dead son was alright looking

i stole it from twitter, grow up and get off reddit.


what do you think?

maybe, I'm having fun

thx India


do candidates never die in your land

Not quite yet, he still has ~20/100 odds
I'm savoring the slow burn myself

Most of the time, yeah

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Pack it up, Bidenbros

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why are people like this

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why are amerilards so stupid?

Never thought Jason would be the only one knowing the actual definition of socialism

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Does mayonnaise work as lube?

>trump lost by 100k in arizona at 84% but it was called for biden
>trump ahead by 300k in penisvania at 84% but it's still a tossup

Bring out the ouija board (imgur.com)

submitted 10 hours ago by General_Fiasco

to r/ABoringDystopia

well, whats the timestamp on the twitter post

Mars is a RED planet cuck

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they passed that when my state voted for Obama and we've only voted for democrats since

lmao how does your authoritarian shithole let you post here

For one, I don't elect skeletons into the house of representatives.

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Is only red cause it's lifeless
i other word red=ded

because jews told them to be like this

It's because the votes that are still held are projected to heavily favor Biden.

>tfw terry crews will never wreck your boipucci with his BBC

who cares if it came from there first. get off the junk site, literally anything is better than reddit.

PA's not looking so good malarkeybros

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a skeleton would liven the house up

Says the Biden voter

urkel getting swole

They need to think of themselves as the heroic rebels after spending years consuming stories about rebellions against bigoted governments (Hunger Games, Star Wars, Handmaidens Tale, etc.)

i'd vote for a dead guy over a democrat

will biden add new justices to the supreme court?

how will the new apportionment of delegates from the census data work?

Oh I'm on mobile right now so no flags and he used that image yesterday so I assumed sorry urkel

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Yes, however losing PA but winning NV and AZ still gives Biden the win.

brainlet post

they'll just depose of elon on earth because we all know he's not going there until a bunch of people die starting up the colony.

let me ask him

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unlikely since the current ones won't be dying any time soon
maybe that black guy though, they often get heart disease

Delaware elected this trannoid freak to Congress.

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he'd also need michigan. it'd be exactly 270 and hilarious.

Yeah I steal anime pictures all time

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thought it was only to the state house

No, the Senate won't let him.

Oh nonono looks like we got too cocky, trumpbros. We need to hope for a miracle in Nevada

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Please tell me she has a penis

Michigan is already in the bag though.

probably not, then next pres will just add more, and then next will add more, etc until we have shit ton of supreme court freaks. it is mostly just losers that think he will do that

it has everything im interested in, tv show, movie, games, and books subreddits
its not like im subscribed to any default subs
and i post regular clips and stuff for the things i like

Breyer and Sotomayor will likely die within the next four years; both are progressive justices. Thomas and Alito are pretty sturdy looking but they might croak.

i meant as in new seats