How the fuck did Czechia, Slovakia and Poland manage to retain stable populations? Didn't they have massive emigration waves like other post-communist countries?
How the fuck did Czechia, Slovakia and Poland manage to retain stable populations...
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New Poles are Ukrainians and Belarusians.
they are the future of eu
most of Polish immigrants to western Europe don't unregister from their Polish houses when moving abroad so they're still count as if they lived in Poland.
In fact it is estimated that real population of Poland is between 36-37 million.
When did the migration from Ukraine and Belarus to Poland start? Here it's a relatively new phenomenon. I guess in Poland it was something like late 2000s-early 2010s?
our emigration is quite low and we have a lots of immigants mostly from ukraine, vietnam, russia, poland, slovakia etc.
Ukrainians started to appear here around 15 years ago, I guess.
Also, Czechia didn't have a big emigration wave, Czechs always had low unemployment and relatively decent salaries, their 90s and 00s were nowhere as hard as in other post-commie countries so rather few Czechs emigrated and it's mostly educated people who just went for a career in the west. You'd have a hard time finding a Czech working as a factory worker or waiter in the UK or Germany.
Ukrainians have migrated to Poland for like 15 years but the biggest wave started in 2014.
Makes sense. On the other hand, why isn't Hungary doing so well? In commie times, they were even more developed than Czechoslovakia.