
>computer science
>code monkeys
>outsourcing to pajeets
are STEM people a meme in your country too?

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college is for retards idek what stem is lolz

>STEM is only about computers and shit

Compsci is a meme. Every other stem degree is based

there were stem kids in my middle school i don't think it's just a college thing

>Stem pays well major in stem
>Staring wage in brownentina for a smecel is 180 usd a month
>This is what you studied hard stuff for years, so you can slave away throwing away most of your life doing stuff you don't want 9 hours a day monday to saturday for barely 200 usd a month

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Comp sci pays well, but you can't find stable jobs in the area if you're over 35.

only thing that matters, anything else you need to be actually 150 iq or a massive autist or youre gonna work at Mcass

I picked civil engineering. Did I do a mistake?

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>your 4 years of hard work are nothing compared to a high school drop out with his house inherited from his parents
what a world to be alive in hahahahahaha

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