
take your vaccine goy edition

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>frankfurt nonce still trying to push the word ‘ami’

Yes Mr. Gates
*injects 10 doses directly into the brain-stem*

i wanna nut on your titty

Going nutty for some coconutty

The only woman he knows, his own mother, has fish odour syndrome

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chinkman is funny today

for me, it's sputnik

>this is the english "right wing" party
FPTP strikes again!

>noooooo 2 in 30000 people get ill over a four month period
fuck off child

He is unironically an incel isn't he?

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rorke seems to care an awful lot about religion when he doesn't do anything religiuous whatsoever.
and no, going to church on christmas and easter doesn't make you a christian.

>>noooooo 2 in 30000 people get ill over a four month period
>fuck off child

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Depends, does raping your niece count?

brown hands

remember yesertday arguing with some absolute retard who insisted bill gates was trying to depopulate the world with a covid vaccine. he seemed genuinely upset that people were calling him tinfoil hat tier retarded, and used the word "sheep" over and over again. what is wrong with these people?

>Virgin AstraZeneca
Chad Pfizer

Attached: corona vaccine.jpg (671x596, 86.09K)

Some days she smells of fish, other days she stinks of shit. And it's held her back in life.

reckon we appropriate this little Lieder

have any of the schizos said its convenient that the vaccine has been discovered for corona immediately after biden got elected

its a cult.

yesterday was Sunday


simon dolan raging about it

if he felt god before the vaccine, at the very least it cured his insanity

no mean feat

90% is just enough to get away with a very high failure rate and blame the 10%


struck a nerve, eh rorkie boy?

yes good goy
take your vaccine
it's perfectly harmless

>Covid vaccine cures muslims and americans
woah based

you're the literal nigger aren't you

you do realise that french natives losing their religion is why your country is going to be a sharia shithole for eternity

That does actually sound like TMAU. Poor 190 having a mum like that

Back in the days when you could make a proper racist banger. Now those were truly, the days

Anyone ever had DTs

I'm a literal white man you insufferable mutt.

>going to the gym won't help you get a girlfriend

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i will take it. and nothing will happen. i won't die. i won't go insane. but that will mean nothing to you because you need your conspiracies to feel important

>i will take it. and nothing will happen. i won't die. i won't go insane.
You won't even be immune

they're just schizos or trolls

If you want a picture of the future, imagine priti patel's arse smashing on a human face forever

Didn't realise Christianity was still hostile to other religions like its the 1200s, glad I come here to learn these incredible facts

similar charts for most vaccine-preventable diseases

Attached: vacc.jpg (1555x888, 191.24K)

laicity, mummyshagger, look it up

Fake vaccine discovery

yeah bro didn't you know?

>posts a chart of US states
can't make this shit up

*sings you a little DT*

tfw already had the rona but they'll want me to have the vaccine anyway.
dom raab is literally self-isolating now even though he had it back in march. apparently our immune systems don't work against this one virus.

for sale for £700k

it's time /brit/ found a home

Attached: Horse+Sand+Fort+Hampshire+UK+for+sale+1-960w.jpg (1024x632, 53.9K)

>getting shat on by left, right and liberals in the comments

bill gates is going to inject you with a mind control chip you cuck
look into it

they're not going to vaccinate young people

The Gates Foundation has been testing dodgy vaccines on folk in Africa and India with adverse effects

Go home Jerry, go home

source? do you have source for that? DOI number? academic journal? peer reviewed article? citation? anything? source ?

>I'm a literal white man you insufferable mutt.

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but the accidental infertility side effect is pointless on older people

bill gates is going to inject a micro chip in my arse so I can get better 5G signals so I can't fight the libtards any more

lol mate

*pisses off the side but gets blown in the water by a gust of wind* oi