sneed edition
/v4/ + sneed
I shit on this general for ruining my day with animeshit.
what does the sneed meme mean?
Thanks, now I have to watch the video again
Zig Forums liked to pretend not to understand a simpsons joke involving a sign reading "sneeds feed and seed, formerly chucks"
one poster hated the simpsons and started spamming it in order to drown out discussion in simpsons threads, and all over the board in general
newfigs saw the forced meme and parroted it
that's about it
gonna play cyberpunk instead of working today
haven't had sex for well over a year now, that's all coronahoax's fault
I can hear it... the poopoo inside me... it's crying for freedom
This Polish teenager went missing in Bytom after going out to meet with her Roma boyfriend. Any vaks seen her in some gypsy neighbourhood?
>towarzystwie romów
My sides, imagine speaking polish unironically
Of all the words to pick out those aren't even particularly ridiculous
try saying that
I can make plenty of words like that its easy and its easy to say for native speakers.
Serves her right
Got a rejection email from a company.
For some reason the email was mostly a huge image the recruitment woman's face that was so big it made it difficult to actually read the text.
Why are they like this?
that smirk
they are making fun of you user
are you just gonna take it?
Wonder how they'd respond if I printed it out, jizzed on it and sent back a picture
do it and send us the result
Lidl pastries are so good bros
what could possibly go wrong?
just look how smug she is
>Living for months at a time without the hotdog pastry from lidl/kaufland
Honestly it's just too much to bear
they have forums and unions where they share information
did you buy all Christmas presents already? :)
it used to be my everyday routine to go to lidl before school and buy a can of kong strong with 2 of the hot dog pastries
aye, I need to find some fish, though