
Tranita edition

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Hello World!

good morrow

hru bb

How many euros should I save for my conscript?

why the fuck is no one from here playing MMOs? I can't speak in english, so using bulgarian would be so much comfier.

don't bulgarian also play Metin2

dont do that mistake

a na kwo pishesh we galfon
na kitaiski li

damn, you're right
I joined a bulgarian guild once and it was some cringe boomers sharing MMO stuff on their facebooks etc
And they were all married couples. And they would constantly invite me to voice conversations for "socializing". FUcking boomers, I bet they weren't even playing the game.
Щях дa нaпишa write вмecтo speak aкo "пишeх". Toтaлнo мe oткaзвaш дa тъpcя дpyги bg-тa.


usta li nemash?
gugel translate li pozlwash ?

You guys know the Bulgarian GTA V larp server lmao?

Hямaм :c

ughghg this is painful to even imagine

emi qwno

If I wanna feel balkan larping I either play RDR2 Online or open balk


How is RDR2 online, never played it.

I am currently selling my wow classic character for 5th time or so. fuck this game and fuck mmos

Turbo cringe. All are assigned to jobs, some sit 8 irl hours in the hospital to larp treat patients etc. Also the dialogues are abysmal cringe.

oh no no non onono
and it's all in bulgarian?!

According to a study of a national journalist there have been over 15000(!) negative articles about Bulgaria in FYROM media for the last 90 days alone. Go figure why we veto them lol

Yes. They even have larp gypsies in there, and when they have dialogues they are forced to speak like gypsies.

this sounds like some sort of psychological torture method

It's weird but apparently it works. There are like several bg streamers using this larp server for views.

holy shit
now imagine the creatures that watch that stuff
these things could be around us

Haven't played in two year but it was full of griefers and grind

I really don't feel like working today.

Well good thing you are a neet

i dont understand why people work when theres free money

Ok, thank you for informing me.

Reminder the Elephant in the last thread tried to give excuses for the Azeri mujos who behead Armenian grandpas

Never under communism and still Turkey is twice as poor as Bulgaria, let alone Western Bulgaria. How do Turks feel about us using them as brothel and cheap supermarket?

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is western Bulgaria really richer than east or is it only because of Sofia?

don't you barely afford the necessary?

let’s get fag married so i can get german citizenship/neetbux, iki