>30C heat kills the europoor

I laugh in Australian.

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30 degree days get old fast

You are European.
You are European.

+8C kills australian just lettin u know

Try 40C. Imho 30c is peak comfy

>It doesn't snow in Australia
It snows here more than it does in Switzerland.

Attached: kangaroos-snow-Australia-Aug-2019-1.jpg (800x800, 171K)

Where you live? Perisher?

>he has never seen 45C heatwave

Lets see

Attached: 1366585876795.jpg (354x1146, 134.96K)

30C is the normal temperature during winter in the Pilbara.

No I am Australian.


I know tasmania has snow but I dont think switzerland is too famous of its snowfalls

question to you ausbros
do you guys can withstand 35-40c?

Yes, we have those temperatures every summer.

Depends on where you live, some places normal other places its a struggle

Hottest i have had to withstand is 53C on Black Saturday.
That was like 40C heat combined with radiant heat from the fires.

based in my book ausbros
you guys are friendly as fuck when it comes to gmod

Yeah, as long as it's dry heat.

yeh but i prefer your climate

This, 40C with no humidity is fine, 40C with 100% humidity is cancer.
Everything is wet and sticky but also hot

What is life like in Gippsland? Are alot of the towns meth infested? Is there work?

Thinking of moving away from Melbourne

The valley is fucked but the rest of it is still alright.
White mans country.

Attached: leongatha-hills_gip_r_supplied-dg-A2F9511_1150x863 (2).jpg (1150x863, 115.99K)

Last i checked south gippsland is where people from melbourne go.
Is basically the tourist part of Victoria.
And plenty of work for tradies and farmers.

Attached: South Gippsland Shire VBA.jpg (500x358, 83.12K)

>50c heat kills the pink australoid

Attached: 776bd74aed50bd2cee63af7132959d0b.jpg (650x494, 87.24K)

not just tassie, but in victoria and nsw all the way up to canberra
Locations include
>mt hotham
>victorian alps
>kosciuszko ranges

Even this is outdated, Penrith got like 49C or something last summer.

>the valley
mate, its getting more fucked than ever, i hate it here

hey Aussies I just want to let you know you're based as fuck and I really like you all.
Cheers cunts.

But do you have 30°C with 90-100% humidity, while living in houses to get in all the sunlight and heat it can?

Didn't they start shutting down all the coal power plants there?

yeah and they tried demolishing one and they fucked up badly

How can you fuck up a demolition? Just drop some bombs on it

My grandpa helped build hazelwood, isn't it made out of asbestos?
I remember my old man saying years ago that it would cost billions to tear it down because special teams for removing asbestos would be needed.

Also isn't the mine under the town beside hazelwood on fire?


>isn't it made out of asbestos?
I would say it definetly is, the council here or whoever doesnt give a fuck, they're more concerned with removing the simpsons graffiti at the Moe tav

Jesus christ did they just set fucking explosives off inside that thing?
Talk about dumb lol

Hasn't that power station had explosions happen in the past from nothing but the coal dust?
And they thought setting bombs off inside it without removing all the asbestos paneling first was a good idea kek?

Not 30 but somewhere over 35 begins to be uncomfortable because of the humidity. It's not the heat that kills you but the humidity because your body cools itself by sweating and the sweat evaporating from your skin. The problem is that when the humidity is high, the sweat doesn't evaporate properly and your body can't cool down which leads to heatstroke.

I think they had a fire a couple of years ago, maybe it was coal dust or something? I wish my dad was home so I could ask him

So just drink more water and you won't get heatstroke

well the coal mine itself has been on fire since like 1950 didn't it start a bush fire a few years back?