In South east Asia it is very common
Is beating their kids common in your count?
everyone does it
If they didnt here, youre considered a spoiled pussy and your parents are pussies too and also shit at parenting
beating your kids shows bad parenting and barbaric behavior of old generation
I beat other peoples kids and I don't even know the parents
I often see African Americans joke about getting beaten as a kid
At first I thought it was a morbid joke, but afterwards I realised it's a very common occurence
Is this where their issues come from? Bad parenting?
Yes, beating kids will create horrible adults
Imagine the total lack of impulsivity these children grow up to show as adults. It honestly explains twerking like maniacs into perspective.
No. Which is why so many white girls disrespect us and want black cock
Last time I tried disciplining a child I got knocked out. It was in the school playground (and I lost my job)
No, it usually produces shitty children.
next time don't use your sausage
yeah my dad used to beat me alot
Not enough
Most millenial parents treat their children like princes, they let them do anything and never chide them. They're growing a generation of assholes with no manners who think they can do anything they want anywhere.
Setting boundaries and slapping your kids when they cross them isn't bad parenting you dumb zoomer
my dad beat me once with a thick green tube that is used for water systems in houses
my mom and dad made me bleed multiple times
i thank them, if not that i wouldn't have realized how this world is full of hatred and injustice
>being this cringe
i was going to purchase cyberpunk 2077 but this post changed my mind.
>i thank them, if not that i wouldn't have realized how this world is full of hatred and injustice
You'll know this just because you live in Iraq :)
why can't you just talk to kids and explain what they did was wrong?
my parents beat me and my siblings a lot growing up but thankfully we're mostly normal now
my parents i guess were "traumatised" by it too since they claim they don't remember beating us
my dad spanked me sometimes, but I thought it was fun and tried do it to other kids at school. Pulling down the pants and all. That, and how I used to unknowingly sexually harass girls in like 2nd grade still haunt me
nah many middle class kids here are being spoiled and complain over nothing despite having everything they need, it's more of a manner case that shluld be taught through beating.
the beating takes out the anger an adult feels from their stature and ego being undercut by their own child. this is probably why women don't beat children usually. It also associates physical pain with whatever behavior the child participated in.
They don't listen
>how I used to unknowingly sexually harass girls in like 2nd grade still haunt me
got a story user
>slapping your kids when they cross them isn't bad parenting
shut up, soap
heres the thing
my dad used to excessively beat us and my mum for no reason just when hes mad
and he did it when i was you know like 4 too, big open palm smacks on the face very hard, and he liked to tease it before doing it as well
it made me grow up to have poor impulse control and be very angry and shit, i don't think its good to beat your kids, my wife wants me to but i don't think i will be able to because i know how bad it feels
what if- what if the child likes it? the pain, i mean
Nothing too interesting unless you're a legit pedo. Besides spanking, the main things I did were forcibly kissing girls and running naked to the girls locker room with a few other boys in PE. But really I was like 8yo I didn't know what I was doing.
how did the school/teacher punish you
Dad hit me once very hard that I still remember but I deserved it probably