would you live in this yurope?
Would you live in this yurope?
I would live in most Europes, this one included. I don't see why not.
>muslims exist
no thanks
t. Mohammed
We did. After a calm and mature discussion we decided to go our separate ways
Which ones will accept Americans?
Did Bosnians get shit on in Yugoslavia for being Muslim or was it chill under Tito?
Yugoslavia was a military dictatorship and a police state, you weren't allowed to say anything about religion or the secret police would arrest you and torture you while concocting a media smear campaign against you in the newspapers by shill 'volunteers' if you happened to be in the party. Then, at the last, you were supposed to engage in 'self-criticism' in those same papers.
I take it you're not a fan.
why is britain divided in a nonsense way?
I have nationalist tendencies and I resent how Slovenia was influenced by balkanic culture and migration during both Yugoslavias, though even socialist Yugoslavia was not counterproductive to the development of Slovenian political life and neither was the union ever involuntary or even unpopular with Slovenes - though this is almost certainly due to the very tangible threat to our nationhood represented by Austria and Italy, which is also the main reason why you have all those middle aged Danilos, Gorans, Dragans and Danicas in Slovenia today without even a drop of Serbian blood.
Damn... mental you believe american lies. you really are just a balkan yank
>nonsense way
t. paki
the areas included in presumably England are all english speaking or scots speaking, the latter being a middle english dialect
you are not German
you are not Austrian either
yes you are Balkan and will always be
all of britain and ireland speaks english now.
how is scots a middle english dialect when it was spoken after middle english stopped being spoken?
and even if it was then why would they be one nation?
No. Sardinia and Corsica belong together. Sicily with Southern Italy
I'm sorry to break it to you but bosnia is geographicaly Europe
No. It needs to be more balkanized.
You should expand Wales and give them the Hen Ogledd. Otherwise perfect for Celtic bvlls
you're getting to the point where its just drawng what you want
Thats what these threads were always about
alright so give scotland antrim thanks
Its a thread about border fantasies so go ahead. I'll be happy with Irish owned Dal Riada like it was back in the day.
>the irish believe literal myths that were made up so ireland would get annexed into scotland
ih. i feel sorry for your nation. being destroyed probably is the best
yeah, but that's because of Yugoslavia. We could've been western European had we chosen independence in 1918
>Scot denies history and makes up autism
imagun muh shock
It's pathetic that Scots beat their chest about how nationalistic they are yet they voted against their own independence. Cope and have sex incel.
>irish people believe in madeup history
when you find evidence we invaded from ireland let me know. thanks.
>voted against their own independence. C
*their economy being destroyed
Almost perfect, but the Russian bordergore ruins it.
Nah I can just point to the view of the majority of historians regarding the subject and they agree that the Irish did indeed colonise Scotland.
>muh economy
So Scots would rather be under the heel of another country because of muh economy. Sad stuff. We went through the Black and Tans burning down our towns and the like and we still powered through. It really differentiates the disposition of Scots"men" and Irishmen.
Yes these are scientifically proven the best possible borders for bavaria
You should put Ile et Vilaine and Loire Atlantique in Brittany.
>Greater Swabia
very based
The pink bit would be majority Russian, followed by Swedes, then Finns. Then probably extremely assimilated Sami, then Norwegians.