
/med/ulin editon

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Good morning.


To keep the chain going

I was in Premantura a few times but never in Medulin

go to medulin
don't drink medica

whats next mediterranena chinks?

/med/ should be for Greeks and Latins only

my grandparents are native Italian speakers lol I'm basically Greek

>whats next
Germaniggers, apparently.

hello iki

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You're not Mediterrenean


He is Pontic, they're Russians who speak Greek, Georgian or Turkish

no it should be for mediterraneans only which includes lebanon libya and the likes
mediterraneans are better than other people

>dark ages
>abolishing slavery
>female suffrage
>marxism and communism
>destroying europe every chance they get
>destabilizing every country they can get their dirty cumskin hands on
>are the reason jews have so much power
>being ungrateful fucks to the meds who taught them how to stop being actual cannibals
>steal everything they can get their pale hands on
>"we dindu nuffin its da joos"

Good Afternoon lads

Today was a wonderful day, I went to work tipsy.

You'll never be a Med regardless how much you seethe about it you cumskin faggot

il ultimo cuckoos

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Good afternoon.

>I went to work tipsy.

>Green party at germany wants 100% unrestricted immigration, legalization of all illegals that are already there (millions) AND voting rights and handouts for them
>children of two non-german parents will be granted instant citizenship and voting rights if one of their parents stays in germany for 8 years
>They poll at 20-25% and will rule before 2035 (many germans vote even MORE left)


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heh some dudes have pickup workshops in greece using mystery method
good for them they get thousands of men redpilled at crucial times
antifeminist death squads soon inshallah


Without delving in some details let's just say it was fun and wonderful ego boosting day that started with me almost puking the wine and ended with disappointing visit the bakery because I didn't find Pastizzi

>getting whipped by a femoid

There's Pastizzi there?

Nevermind, I shouldn't be surprised about this.

did frenchies outlaw paternity testing?

Can this dumb shit stay in Zig Forums ?

so you did

No we did not, if you want to "reject" a child or like don't pay child alimonies you can

Yep, only in some fancy bakeries that sells plenty of pastries.

Funny how you can find many things here but never ever EVER a fucking corn flour I've searched everywhere for it and never found it.

Hold up
are you saying that in France now you can't take a test to see if your shady wife didn't cheat on you anymore?

>Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine.[18] The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families."[19]
holy shit

ah yes the famous jailed people for doing a paternity test
~30000 tests done each year at least

t. preserver of the peace of families

Did you try not being a cuckold ?

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