The Jamie Oliver 3-in-1 speed peeler edition
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corr thats a big peeler
Justice for this brave frenchmen
let this be a lesson to all enemies of england
got your papers homes?
How did this cunt even get famous?
Poor monke...
he is the greatest chef in british history
this is true that the albos and the calabrians are in bed together but there are still lots of ndrangheta in the uk
they're also all over germany
Is it wrong for a 23 year old to meet up with 18 year old tinder matches?
secretary of smegmacation
The man is a saint. He saved UK schoolchildren from unhealthy lunches.
NEED these scraped across my ballsack A S A P.
killed turkey twizzlers
nooo not my heckin human rightserinos
i wonder if marco dislikes jamie like he does gordon
turkey twizzlers and that
*poos on the running table saw, sending poo flying everywhere*
Of course not
if it was really wrong would tinder allow it
hope so, at least gordon's a good cook
everyone hates jamie
my mum cooks better meals with frozen food
gagging for a sicilian olive
probably doesn't think about him at all
Simple enough request
Someone told me there is a massive gap in emotional maturity but Ibe kind of been mollycoddled so it’s not really true
>adult virgins are mocked
Only if you are in your 20s and not a monk or something
I read an article about Albanians taking over cocaine trade in London. Apparently they're more organized as a diaspora. They have connections with Albanians in the netherlands and the Amsterdam ports which is where most european cocaine comes in, so they get it almost straight from colombia at wholesale prices rather than most gangs in London who get it from dutch gangs and other resellers. Now the albanians are those resellers in London, selling it cheaper and purer
i-is it halal?
nice that she's offering
ask how large her arse is and how loud her shites are
Hahahahaha you’re firing some excellent shots lad
If you're even 40 and getting 18 year olds without paying then you'd deserve a hi-five
south is controlled by albos and their italian imports
midlands is controlled by pakis and turks with their middle eastern imports
north is controlled by the irish and their south american imports
link that article
you can judge it case by case
they also have these connections all over europe because of their willingness to use brutal violence, but it goes without saying imo that the most brutal gangs usually win out as long as there's a modicum of intelligence behind it as well
Hey Tim
good to see that marks back
Didn't realise /brit/ was so anti-Jamie
Good morning
so you stop being ridiculed once you turn 30?
also my high school and uni gfs were more emotionally mature than me
girls have to be
im 31 and a virg lad it gets easier
I think it becomes pity at that point
An 18 year old uni student that’s shagging a 23 year old is undoubtedly more mature than most people on this board, most of these cunts don’t have jobs
there was an article in one of the wop daily papers last year saying every major port in the south of the uk was bribed to the eyeballs by the calabrians/albanians
not bad work if you ask me
post the kouhai shes better
real life isnt Zig Forums. normal people dont actually care. go outside once in a while you weird freak
not a fan of the irish
Oh look its breakfast baguette o'clock
Yes since everyone assumes you have done it.
Got up, smoked a spliff, put startdust on, ate some toast, listening to Kirsty Maccoll life’s peng dawgs
it is my mate works on the tilbury docks and the albanians pretty much control operations there
Timsta from Brizzooooo
top blokes like lez are a dying breed
Bit racist that.
>Yes since everyone assumes you have done it.
and what if you tell them you haven't ?
You think nobody would bat an eye at a 30 year old virgin?
There's a reason "40 year old virgin" is a comedy title
Yeah here mate.
On the /brit/.
how on earth do they get away with it, they're not even EU
Ordered me Greggs de lids. Got a bacon and omlette roll, cheese and onion bake, sausage roll and a sugar donut.
>not including all poc
fuck off fascist
Union man rings up and informs you you’ve been sacked with immediate effect
films aren't real life either mate
right lads here we are in /brit/ let’s get some good posts in to help us get over the hump x
post height and weight
fucking hell you fat cunt
Ah fek
Don't respond
its exaggerated.
never believe bullshit stories that start with 'my entry-level employee mate somehow has access to this incredibly sensitive information...'.
Hope you are safe and well, little fella.
Fuck it was humid today. Any other ausanons absolutely swimming in it today?
what are you fucking retarded? of course it is; please send them over to me instead.
ngl that sounds womfy as right now
Yeah they. The views of bullying old virgins are eternal.
In rome if you werent married by 24 youd be fined and you werent allowed to own a house until you married.
missing the point. the film exists as a comedy because it's such a funny premise to people.
*rolls my sleeves up*
*has a go*
*mucks in*
*pulls my weight*
*tries my best*
*leads from the front*
*gets stuck in*
*gives it some welly*
*slaps your drink out of your hand*
*distant aha whehey coming from the moon*
based lad
>they made the first move (party hat emoji)
why is this dating app designed like it's for children
Lads I'm fucking sweaty, it's really humid.
no idea i think they just brute forced their way into the right positions by making examples out of select people, now the majority of people just turn their heads away ignorance is bliss. nobody really wants to get involved with albanians because they're dangerous men
what you internet addicted mongs never realise is that the average cunt on the street doesnt give a fuck about you or your virginity status. youre not that important so drop the weird self-pitying arrogance.
how many fleshlights do you lads own?
here you go
it turns out i'd misremembered a bit and the connections at the Dutch ports wasn't albanian mafia alone but was them linking up with the Ndrangheta like that other poster was saying
>Yet for the Albanians’ model to truly work it required control of Europe’s ports. For that the Mafia Shqiptare needed to collaborate with the ‘Ndrangheta, the most powerful and globalised of the Italian mafias, which controls mainland Europe’s cocaine trade.
>There is considerable evidence that not only are the Albanians working with the ‘Ndrangheta, but that they have formed the tightest of alliances. Sources say the Italian mafia consider the Albanians as equals. Saggers said: “There’s a strong Italian-organised mafia link with Albanians now, Albanians are working with them – not in competition with them. Plus, historically, the Italians have good contacts in Latin America.”
albanian street gangs get the product and everyone else has been forced to sell at the cheaper prices
>Intelligence obtained by British experts revealed that the Albanians were procuring cocaine from the cartels for about £4,000 to £5,500 a kilo, at a time when rivals thought they were getting a decent deal using Dutch wholesalers selling at £22,500 a kilo. The Albanians lowered the price of cocaine – and increased its purity. More massive consignments were brought into the UK.
Imagine waking up and remembering that you drive forklifts for a living
One, but it was a gift and I've never used it
me and the yanks
the south if full of albanian coke dealers
and the uk is awash with cocaine
and these supplies are all controlled by the calabrians
all this is verifiable true
im just surprised, given the go home office, that these albos dont all get deported
>just looking for someone to eat nice food with
Your tits on display tell a different story
why not?
Alri Tim
But gay innit
Discussing cricket betting with people who have no idea about cricket but are still betting
could've sworn I clicked /brit/ not /drugsforeignersandvirgins/
I'm gonna eat it in bed as well. Womfy.
lot of work driving a forklift la
remember that mission in san andreas where the gangs come and shoot at you? absolute nightmare. nohing but respect for forklift-drivers.
>im just surprised, given the go home office, that these albos dont all get deported
because its exaggerated...
literally me.
*cricket noises*
Business Idea: Cocaine 2
>open image
>see zombie eyes
>close image
Imagine waking up and your invisible mate reminds you that you’re schizophrenic
nonces OUT
never implied otherwise, why would the average person on the street care about me if they don't even know me. it's not about the average person on the street.
sorry mate
got a patent on that one
might wank
yeah, I guess you could call me a professional forklifter
*the interview chair gives way under my heft and I roll out onto the shop floor*
>imagine waking up
when did you last wash your bed sheets?
Never had an imaginary friend growing up and don't ever remember anyone else having one either, seems like something just on TV
lmao at this cope artist saying people wouldn’t care if you are 30 and a virgin like lmao
plot twist: you are the imaginary friend
never had an imaginary friend from memory, but i've always talked to myself out loud and i still do
so lads im too much of a boomer to have used dating apps
but why do people say tinder date/hinge date/bumble date
a dates a date surely irrespective of where you met the person
not like back in the day we used to say uni date or pub date
never did my homework growing up
home was for me, not for school
simple as
they wouldnt. they might think its a bit weird for about 5 seconds then move on.
no idea why all you arrogant virgin cunts think youre in peoples heads 24/7 - youre not.
what’s wrong with a bacon sandwich or toblerone
dont have an imaginary friend but do often talk to myself in hypotheticals a lot
everyone that you love and care about derenders when you can't see them
it's to convey the same information as "blind date" except with the added context that no third party was involved to arrange it