Have I told you about fennoswedes already? Then speak SWEDISH but live in suomiland

>have I told you about fennoswedes already? Then speak SWEDISH but live in suomiland

Attached: 1606647760177.png (1000x1000, 32.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hahahah waht the fuck is a fennoswede like nigga really hahahaha

Tell me more

Yeah they speak Finland but live in Swedish

Are they Finns or Swedes?

no such things. Swedish propaganda.

I know Russian girls who look a bit same to Scandi and totally Scandinavian in the second case


for some reason it's always a belgian flag
I wonder if you're that one gypsy or some other Zig Forums schizo I've encountered before

Attached: Göran Persson.jpg (1200x1800, 432.61K)


Now IMAGINE being this obsessed. Kinda sad.

Attached: Näyttökuva 2020-12-16 kello 11.29.36.png (1122x1656, 642.18K)

>other Zig Forums schizo I've encountered before
They're Sami

neiti etsivä

reminder that every single finn of note was a fennoswede

Why does a non-country without history or even its own language obsess about Finland?

>formula 1

What do you mean? Wasn't Finland part of sweden for like 1000 years?

The definition of schizoposting.

hej Åland :DD
Well apparantly the words used by Fenno-Swedes are:
Finne = "Finn" = Finnish speaking person from Finland
Finländare = "Finlander" = Person from Finland.
Finlandssvensk = "Finland-swede" = Swedish speaking person from Finland.

But yes they are Finnish and live in Finland so that's where they belong :DD

Attached: 1446256517012.png (1024x776, 34.89K)

no this Belgian has been doing it for a long time. But I like him, he isn't as bitter and spiteful as the Pole, not as mentally ill as the Romanian migrant and not as annoyingly passive-aggressive as the Canadian. Definitely my favorite anti-Finn poster.

>he thinks unironically that fennoswedes are swedes and not finns who happen to speak swedish as a first language

Go outside

Oh wow lol I wonder why all the notable Finns from the times when only Swedish speaking Finns were allowed to access the higher echelons of society spoke Swedish :D truly a miracle. Like what do you think would happen in Britain if suddenly you could only get into higher education or network properly if you spoke fluent Arabic? :D

Attached: 1518279154833.png (650x658, 304.94K)

What is it with Finland and obsessed schizos?

Is Linus finnoswede?

Foreign obsessed schizos flock to a country known for its own obsessed schizos





What is so funny? That we have Swedish speaking minority in Finland? They're still Finns.

stupid anglos automatically associate minority status with oppression, they can't even comprehend the idea of a minority that is more privileged than the majority population.

>Swedish language is really poor in Finland which i also prefer. Power to Finnish people and down Swedish language goes :)
>Fennoswedes need to assimilate or gtfo. This is like saying that Indians should learn to get along with the British.
>Of course the smart ”finns” are Swedes.
Imagine the people making comments like these on Torvalds videos. Bitter midwits who will never accomplish anything of similar note but would rather seethe about the issue of his mother tongue. Pathetic.

bump for serious discussion about finland :DDD

>Swedes spermjack all the high IQ Finns for 700 years
>wonder why some Fenno-Swede elite descendants like Linus have above average IQ

They don't realize that Swedish is an official language in Finland. Do they also laugh at Belgians when they speak some other language than French? "HAHA THAT BELGIAN IS SPEAKING _DUTCH_ OH NO NO NO HAHAHAH"

Belgium isn't a real country

>minority that is more privileged than the majority population.
wut? the potato farmer Anders or fisherman from Ahvenanmaa doesn't pay taxes like normal people?

Finland :DD

Attached: Finland.png (1366x264, 34.13K)

At least jews are smart, while Fennoswedes are proven to have lower IQ than regular Finns. Nepotism and connections are how they're able to be relatively succesful.

Attached: fennoswede-.png (610x211, 19.71K)

Why is their iq lower than finnish speaking finns? I'm pretty sure intelligence is hereditary

Yeah I kinda understand why this schizo is making these threads because it's so easy to get (you)s.

Cause most of them descend from the original 13th century language shifters and some losers Swedes dumped here. The elite language shifters like Porthans didn't move to Närpiö but lived in big cities.

do you know what "hereditary" means in this context? Did you pass high school?

the finn is learning

But there's no obsessed schizo finnish posters while there seems to be several obsessed about finland (unless it's one mega-autist with a proxy)

Whatever, you can speak about averages all you want. At the end of the day there are successive Swedish speakers and Finnish speakers, and vice versa. What matters is not trying to convince foreigners on a Mongolian basket weaving forum that you are better because you speak le other language.
