Before coming to this board, I had believed Germans were a humble, hardworking people. But it turns out that that they are anything from humble. They are arrogant and self-aggrandizing.
They aren't hardworking either. Most German posters are unemployed.
You are both evil, soulless, immoral, genocidal, collectivist insects mr. Takahiro Yamakuki.
Owen Howard
germans had always been arrogant
Robert Williams
everything you said is true, dont let the neysayers get to you
Landon Rodriguez
For their defense, most of "german" poster are diaspora. But their hardworking nature is a meme, it's more about rules and bureaucracy
Jason Phillips
Just take a paused, calm look at the flags criticizing germans for being “arrogant”. Meta-comedy
Carter Wood
>my view of the world amounts to stereotypes I know you sudacas love Germans and this is a hard pill to swallow, but they're more arrogant on average than any of the flags ITT, and I say this as someone who's lived in Germany.
Benjamin Johnson
most germans posters aren't really german
Adrian Carter
before coming to this board i thought germans were 100% pure seethe and categorically obsessed with britain
and it turns out this is true
Daniel Scott
You are a german in all but citizenship adolf.
Jackson Diaz
Funny thing, everyone lived in Germany. I stayed there a couple months, as in France, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy. Germans were the best amongst them.
Austin Morris
>They are arrogant and self-aggrandizing You should see their Dutch cousins
Lincoln Ward
Okay but do you live next to them and have to deal with them all the time? Do you have family in Germany? You don't understand what it's like. They're barely even human, it's hard to think that we're supposed to be the same ethnic group.
Jordan Roberts
You're slavs in denial, Paul.
Camden Robinson
out of a dozen of German flags I talked to only one of them was genuinely German, I could draw this conclusion from the way he spoke and questions he raised.
Ethan Watson
Daniel Evans
Brandon Brooks
> Another insect realizing Germany is first and foremost a Evropean country, and hence has a soul unlike his cunt Sorry Takeshi, but we'll never be the same
Yes, you are right, and it is very embarrassing for us and Austria and all the other hard working Germanics. Germany is a disappointment, their streets are dirty, their trains run late or not at all and most their posters here are Neet drunkards.
Grayson Myers
Go home, Hans von Osman. I will always pick Japan over g*Rmany or any non-French country for that matter.
Isaac Collins
but you never leave your house?
Liam Green
You're not fooling anyone Achemd, YOU go home Long live the Franco-Deutsch frenship
how's work life outside of Paris? Do they mind if you do nothing for 2 hours?
Jordan Ross
>Franco-German """"friendship"""" Yikes. Only a means to tie down Germany to prevent them from destroying the continent again. >Franco-Japanese friendship Based. The perfect marriage of East and West, etc
>how's work life outside of Paris? It's decent if only for the long lunch breaks >Do they mind if you do nothing for 2 hours? Yes, you'll get fired if you try to pull that too many times
Luke Reyes
I'd be arrogant and self-aggrandizing if my blood and race of man gave the world everything from combustion engines, the industrial revolution, technology, cars, planes, trains, flight, the internet, electricity your entire existence is thanks to the Germanic man whom spans from the Proto-Germanic homelands of Scandinavia, to Deutschland to England, land of the Angles; to his offshore Anglo brothers that created the USA, Cananda, Australia, New Zealand whose blood runs through the royalty and nobility of literally every country in all of Europe remember that you're looking at a family photo right now in saying that; suck my white Aryan cock, yellow boy
> this is your mind on anime land I've been traveling to Japan/Korea a few time now, and they're just not the same as us. Everyone think European identity is a meme until you actually travel abroad and realize you're super fucking close from a German compared to a Japanese Evropa uber alles
I've never said they were the same as us, and that's okay because countries are supposed to be different in a non-globalized world. You do you, but I'll still choose them over the germ men
I haven't met enough Germans to tell you that you're wrong but if you form your opinions about a country based on their posters on a website where almost everyone is a severely mentally ill parasite then congrats, you're fucking retarded
Adam Reyes
I have the impression that Germans are hardworking, but I don't think they are humble at all. They are arrogant, cocky blondes.