I use though at the end of my sentences

>I use though at the end of my sentences

Attached: though (10).png (700x734, 259.46K)

I do tho

How about you kill yourself though?

what's wrong with that though?


Attached: though (6).png (739x724, 259.55K)

Nothing wrong with it though.


Attached: 1574995887799.png (753x960, 28.9K)

I prefer desu

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though (10).png (259 KB, 700x734) google yandex iqdb wait
259 KB
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:55:19 No.135904946 >I use though at the end of my sentences
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:55:39 No.135904955
I do tho
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:56:04 No.135904971 (OP)
How about you kill yourself though?
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:56:13 No.135904979what's wrong with that though?
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:57:59 No.135905037
though (6).png (260 KB, 739x724) google yandex iqdb wait
260 KB
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:58:22 No.135905048Nothing wrong with it though.
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:59:07 No.135905076
1574995887799.png (29 KB, 753x960) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)16:00:49 No.135905121
I prefer desu


Attached: soyjak_229.png (529x637, 374.34K)

How do you feel I have started soyjaking others for using though at the end of their sentences?

Attached: BasedIfTrue.jpg (211x239, 9.59K)

Thanks. I'll keep up the good work.

>actually literally apparently though, right?

Attached: 20426233.png (600x1135, 210.31K)

Imagine being this new

Nothing wrong with that

thats how every bong speaks

these are my edits

Attached: though (27).png (687x723, 208.31K)


>why yes I end my sentences in though
>there is nothing wrong with it though
>what your problem though
>I pity you though
>you care too much about other people speech though
>it's ok though
>I won't stop though
>Did I miss something though


Attached: 66f.jpg (1242x1394, 91.71K)


>>why yes I end my sentences in though
>>there is nothing wrong with it though
>>what your problem though
>>I pity you though
>>you care too much about other people speech though
>>it's ok though
>>I won't stop though
>>Did I miss something though

Attached: 1608080688044.png (938x759, 481.93K)

I hope god punishes all of you

Rent free


though isn't a problem, tho is though.


the most cringe is when it's not in response to anything or used grammatically correct

wanna have dessert?
kinda, i already had a really big dinner though.

why they be arresting him tho

it's meant to give meaning to a secondary clause
however (indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously))


Attached: though (11).png (521x462, 346.27K)

Thou art wrong
Though thee sayeth doth not
I am thou and thou art I

Dragon Ball is great though

Attached: DBZisGreatThough - copia.png (1242x1394, 835.25K)

I agree

Attached: 1594958763820.jpg (600x800, 104.49K)

How many times have you been banned for shitposting though?


Attached: soy7.jpg (265x435, 97.56K)

How many though?


Attached: 1587327554829.png (1390x1314, 124.31K)

Why do you hate that word so much?

Why dont you answer the question though?
Is it because I keep saying though?
Im not going to stop though

I don't hate the word, only cucks who use it at the end of their sentences

Attached: 820x1133_cdd3238a2bb636de4bd275215c616199.jpg (294x411, 51.36K)

Why are you keep spamming soyjak tho?

It's not spam, sweetie

>Im not a cuck though
>I think youre projecting though

Attached: b52.jpg (1110x1500, 226.11K)

i do this shit unironically tho its a brand new habit that was formed this year probably due to anxiety of lockdown and shit

idk how to stop nigga i sound so uncertain now

Just put it at the beginning you cuck