>I use though at the end of my sentences
I use though at the end of my sentences
I do tho
How about you kill yourself though?
what's wrong with that though?
Nothing wrong with it though.
I prefer desu
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though (10).png (259 KB, 700x734) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:55:19 No.135904946 >I use though at the end of my sentences
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:55:39 No.135904955
I do tho
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:56:04 No.135904971 (OP)
How about you kill yourself though?
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:56:13 No.135904979what's wrong with that though?
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:57:59 No.135905037
though (6).png (260 KB, 739x724) google yandex iqdb wait
260 KB
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:58:22 No.135905048Nothing wrong with it though.
Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)15:59:07 No.135905076
1574995887799.png (29 KB, 753x960) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 12/16/20(Wed)16:00:49 No.135905121
I prefer desu
How do you feel I have started soyjaking others for using though at the end of their sentences?
Thanks. I'll keep up the good work.
>actually literally apparently though, right?
Imagine being this new
Nothing wrong with that
thats how every bong speaks
these are my edits
>why yes I end my sentences in though
>there is nothing wrong with it though
>what your problem though
>I pity you though
>you care too much about other people speech though
>it's ok though
>I won't stop though
>Did I miss something though
>>why yes I end my sentences in though
>>there is nothing wrong with it though
>>what your problem though
>>I pity you though
>>you care too much about other people speech though
>>it's ok though
>>I won't stop though
>>Did I miss something though
I hope god punishes all of you
Rent free
though isn't a problem, tho is though.
the most cringe is when it's not in response to anything or used grammatically correct
wanna have dessert?
kinda, i already had a really big dinner though.
why they be arresting him tho
it's meant to give meaning to a secondary clause
however (indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously))
Thou art wrong
Though thee sayeth doth not
I am thou and thou art I
Dragon Ball is great though
I agree
How many times have you been banned for shitposting though?
How many though?
Why do you hate that word so much?
Why dont you answer the question though?
Is it because I keep saying though?
Im not going to stop though
I don't hate the word, only cucks who use it at the end of their sentences
Why are you keep spamming soyjak tho?
It's not spam, sweetie
>Im not a cuck though
>I think youre projecting though
i do this shit unironically tho its a brand new habit that was formed this year probably due to anxiety of lockdown and shit
idk how to stop nigga i sound so uncertain now
Just put it at the beginning you cuck