Does Japanese society really?
Does Japanese society really?
at least their women do not pretend it's for liberalism
yeah bullshit
Made up shit to promote herself, at least I hope..
husband deserves it
I don't see any problem really
Stopped reading there. I don't care about old hags
This, 21-24 is peak age for JAV idols.
Why do women do porn? I understand sex trafficked thirdies, but first worlders with opportunities do it too.
attention? i genuinely don't know. this woman especially since she acknowledges that she is putting all her relationships at risk just to get railed on camera. it just seems illogical to me and it's as if she wants to have her cake and eat it too.
Half of them are borderline special needs and the other half got fucked by their stepfathers. Watching interviews with porn stars is actually what got me to kick the habit. It’s some sad shit.
Her father is pathetic to support his daughters whoring
A woman with a low IQ and a beautiful face is unfortunate in a way.
They're just used by the yakuza like this.
Lol Japanese men are so cucked
do Japanese >men really?
i think one appeal is that it's like a lesser version of being famous and getting lots of attention that doesn't require much work or skills to get into
Are there any voice actresses who failed in their main profession and ended up in JAV industry?
I'm surprised her dad is somewhat understanding. I'd have expected her to be disowned.
>A swede calling another man cuck
i see smthng new everyday
unironically they were either molested when they were young or have some kind of mental issue. I can't imagine working for mr Shlomo Goldbergstein and being treated as an object. Look at how many pornstars after they are famous make some kind of plastic surgery that turns them fucking hideous, why would anyone do that?
Pornstars are just glorified prostitutes and everyone who watches porn after 20 something needs help.
I also can't stand how porn is justified and how they are trying to push degeneracy in MSM: look at music videos, some years ago Miley's wrecking ball was labeled as "pornographic", look it today and laugh it off. Now look at some video like Wop or some shit by 69, they aren't even censored on YT.
but there are tons of chinese women working hard in japan
how about porn situation in sweden?
>how about porn situation in sweden?
Any father with self respect would disown this bitch
based ntr connoisseur
>Soft On Demand
More like Hard On Demand, amirite fellas?
Nowhere. Blind retard saw the text on the magazine overlap her arm, and thought it was a tattoo.
There are failed VAs who become VTubers.
She says why she's doing it right there.
She's married and had a kid, so she's "bored". The only way to solve her boredom is apparently fucking random guys on camera. She wanted to do it for one year, but then she got addicted to cheating sex.