Imagine what Zig Forums would be like if everyone had a gf

Imagine what Zig Forums would be like if everyone had a gf

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I wouldn't be posting here if I had a gf

Empty. Because we'd actually have reason to go out and live and not waste time here insulting fellow anonymous autistic losers.

literally this, I never went on Zig Forums in the 7 months I had a gf.

I want my mates gf
peng but a bit mental

really? impressive

do Malaysians talk like this normally?

this board wouldn't exist

I would probably stop posting about how I want a Steppe gf if I got one.

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eww, what are you? straight?

I'm appropriating your culture
problem, cunt?

Unfortunately yes. It is a condition that affects all non-Swedes.

Wasn't it a Polynesian thing anyway?

when are you going to some steppe country to try and acquire one?

hell if i know
back on topic

mates gf has:
- cute round face
- big chebs
- outstanding arse
- godly thighs

I've taken the advice of Dutchanon. I'll probably be going overseas for a short while next year's summer holidays since I can't do it this year. Though doubt I will find anyone while I'm over.

I'll hopefully be doing the same thing in my summer holidays, it's why I asked actually. Where in specific are you planning to go?

Still a bit in the planning process, I want to make it a sort of trail run for what I can push for my longer trip I'm planning on doing eventually. I'm thinking of Mongolia but I am more interested in Central Asian region than I am Mongolia. Just want to see how everything can work out when I try to hike a significant amount of the country and how much I can get done there and see.

I was thinking of going to a few Russian places, and from there to Central Asia, but I've come to think it might just be easier to skip the Russia part. They speak pretty good Russian in CAS anyways, and have plenty of Russian immigrants. Unironically I'm kind of worried about the climate, my Finnish body isn't built for continental heat especially if I'm gonna be hiking outdoors. But I think I will manage. At least it'll be winter when you go cuz of hemispheres and shit. Good luck with your trip :)

Malaysians look like that?

Thanks, the temperatures for me might be the opposite, I think it will get too cold during some parts of the year while I'm over especially since my summer holiday is winter in the Northern Hemisphere. I can handle 30c+ heat but I'm not used to 0 or sub 0 temperatures so it might be a struggle for a while.

Just buy some good clothes and learn layer dressing. And I think Central asia is a very dry place, which makes cold weather a lot easier to tolerate. -35C with dry and windless weather is much better than -18C with moisture and wind. I have no idea how to counter heat though :D If my winter holidays weren't so short I would probably re-schedule just because of this.

I've just never handled cold temperatures before. Never been somewhere less than 3c before so it's something new to confront. I guess it might be easier than the heat since you can just wear more clothes and I'm just used to the heat. I've really got to look into these things.

i fuck my girlfriend and then go browse Zig Forums in bed while ignoring her on my phone
phoneposters are chads

we'd be constantly be bitching about our gfs and how we deserve better

>australian culture
nigga those words are from england

I've had a gf for 7 years and I still post here everyday since 2006

I'd convice her to post tits with timestamp so that I could larp as a woman and get many (you)s from simps.

>exposing your girlfriends tits
why are white people like this


If you just get some random tit with timestamp and photoshop it faggots still going to believe you


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Probably life would still be miserable for those who can't socialize. Having an argue and yeling each toher isn't very pleasant.

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It's not as bad as you'd think, but honestly it's more important to dress right than well. Hands, feet and ears especially are easy to miss and get cold even easier. As I guessed, Central Asia is very dry, but they do have quite a bit of wind which can make it feel a lot worse.

i would never post on Zig Forums if i had my russian gf

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