How come there are still white people here after it was browned for 500 years?

How come there are still white people here after it was browned for 500 years?

Attached: 29299139-C9C0-4A4B-BF59-75085C92F617.png (350x263, 95.94K)

Am I white?

Attached: ochi.jpg (3120x4160, 2.37M)

all they needed was guns and bombs, and to be willing to hurt people.

some of them were running very fast.

The political situation under the ottoniggers was more complex than 'being browned'.
If you knew anything about those times it wouldn't be a mystery at all.

youre confused, it was gree*s browning the turkey

this, we are the REAL KARA BOGAS

Attached: maurostauros.jpg (1714x956, 912.36K)


Being under control of foreing power doesn't mean populaton replacement

it does for the host nation

he is so cute, like a donkey

if your nipples are pink, yes

We tattooed our women so they wouldn't be abducted into slavery, and if one was raped by a turk they were honour killed.

Attached: based trad grandmas.jpg (800x540, 219.62K)

got that real Mr Bean phenotype
Celts really are Middle Easterners

Turks are of central asian origin, they are not brown.

Modern day turks have little in common with their ancestors and are basically greeks though.

that's a Muslim custom afaik (Arab henna tattoos and all that)

Those are not made from henna my autistic friend, they're permanent. Design is also early christian with some pagan influence.

Mediveal Central Asian Turks were also mostly western eurasian. Ever seen Turkmens? Plus define greek, their gene pool is fun to look at.

Attached: IMG_20201216_155805.png (1356x445, 61.17K)

>some of them were running very fast

Attached: Turkish POVs waiting for their Serbian bulls.jpg (793x495, 66.42K)

>the flag
>the comment

Attached: Daurentius laughs at Boypussy Wends being SEX'D by ugly Avars.jpg (1600x1355, 691.06K)

My ears are similar to the one on the right

>jpg name
How taking a dick for 500 trumatizes a mf, bosniak s*rbs are worse than actual serbs

Attached: c6uf03jls6261.jpg (419x406, 23.77K)

What is the difference between turk and turkmen?

I am interested in understanding central asian history ever since I played a videogame about Genghis Khan but it's a bit confusing because there are so many tribes and they all seem to be different peoples and cultures but somehow related at the same time.

Genghis Khan was mongol but some turk warlords claimed to descend from him, there was this empire in Iran, I think it was called Khwarazmia, and the ruler was a turk too but had an arabic name, wtf?
Then some mongolian horde in parts of modern day Russia, then there's uyghurs, kipcheks, turkmen, Khitan peoples, it's so confusing.

Are they all different peoples or just different groups of the same ethnicity?
Who is who?

And there there're more turks in Turkey than people in all the balkans

Many balkan women, if raped by a turk, would kill the baby or leave it in the woods to die.

Turk and Turkmen are not really that seperate. The first Turks entered Anatolia were called Turkmens.
There are two major linages called Oghuz and Kipchak. Both Turkmen and Anatolian Turks belong to Oghuz side.
Genghis khan left a legacy after his death. His sons divided the empire and ruled over their own. Most of their countrymen were Turkic so the Turco-Mongol tradition came to being after the Turkification of Mongol elite. Rulers of said empires claimed the Genghis' legacy so their political games would be much easier.
Khwarezmi is the name Arabs given to Turkestan/Turkeli when they first came in contact with them after the conquest of Persia. Just like how christianity made semitic words common (biblical names for example) islam did the same.
There are so many Turkic tribes and clans yes. I think its because it was more beneficial to stick you clans in harsh steppe

Where are the kipchaks nowadays?

The tables are turned now oy vey

no, Khorasan or Khwarezm is an ancient part of Iran between the Syr Darya and the Hindu Kush, but Turks settled there in the 10th century and became the majority after 3000 years of NVRDIC ARYAN rule