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2. last food you ate

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a banana

ik ook

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roast duck with bok choy and steamed rice

still finishing the fight

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chili with cheese and sour cream, ate it with some tortilla chips

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costs little under 3 euros in KKK-market and has the flavour of spagetti and some sauce and ground meat

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garlic and...?

Rice with chicken rendang, exactly 24 hours ago
So... so hungry


1. flag
2. mbeju

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you can't just eat a bulb of garlic user, your breath would stink for like a whole year


I eat garlic alone Every morning after I wake up
1. Wakes you up like a slap to the face or eating a piece of chernobyl's elephant foot
2. Gives you superpowers

I don't care about the breath, I don't go outside that much and my family got used to it

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may i ask what that is on the bread? looks savoury

2 packs of pic related with a splash of soy milk to cut the heat, mixed in with fried tofu and washed down with soy milk and iced tea and a couple juulpods

pretty much how i start every morning unironically

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that's a pastry called tebirkes

It's sweet

baguette with mortadella and mayo

And the thing on top is poppy seeds

ate both of them. thinking about ordering some chinese for dessert

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Spinach pie and goffee

you made it on the microwave, don't you? fucking drisgrace


should have let it defrost a bit more, was it full of water?

it's super cheap aldi pizza, it doesn't get better

I feel you, sometimes I have the same