This scene from 1917 tells you anything you need to know about germans.
This scene from 1917 tells you anything you need to know about germans
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Imagine caring about Anglo Propaganda movies
propaganda film
That they're based?
Of course.
wtf I love germs now
now replace the the anglos with IDF and the german pilot with a Hezbollah fighter and that scene would be mega based
Yes......we must........destroy........the.........aryan........menace..........
What a chad, knew he was about to die so took that dum cunt out with him
>that's my enemy in a war
>let me heal him
>what could go wrong?
I haven't watched this movie. What happens in that scene?
What about it? Their engineering is actually shitty?
Germ crashing plane
Goes towards the two British soldiers in the pic
Catches on fire
Britishers try to save him, put the fire out, try to give him some water
But as one soldier goes to the well to get some water, germ stabs the other one
Soldier getting water shoots germ dead
Britisher stabbed dies slowly.
>evil German pilot crashes
>heroic British soldier wants to save him
>evil German pilot attacks British hero and mortally wounds him
>other British hero manages to kill the evil German pilot
It is the Year 75 Anno Dresdenium. For more than a hundred centuries the ANGLO and his descendants have sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Albion. He was the master of mankind by the strength of his perfidy and once master of a million nations by the might of His inexhaustible lies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Industrial Revolution. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast British Commonwealth for whom a thousand ARYANS are sacrificed every day so that He may never truly die.
Yet even in His weakened state, the ANGLO continues His eternal vigilance. Mighty Anglo businessmen cross the Muslim-infested miasma of Europe, the only route between distant and more important nations, their way lit by the Anglonomicon, the psychic manifestation of the ANGLO's perfidy. Vast armies give battle in His name in uncounted countries. Greatest amongst His soldiers are the SAS, the Special Air Servicemen, blood-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Royal Navy and countless blue-water defence forces, the ever-vigilant British Police and the Snooper-priests of the Internet Hate Crimes unit to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from ARYANS, POLES, SEPTICS -- and far, far worse.
To be a man in these times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody shadow-regime imaginable. Forget the power of tradition and patriotism, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of Empire and Glory, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the Aryans, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting ANGLOS
wtf I hate germans now
The good thing about visiting the UK as a german is that you don't need to worry about where to stay since you already live on their heads rent-free.
anglo gets killed by a based germ
*hamas fighter
fucking based.
so basically the same as in private ryan (the mg gunner)?
>believing anything from a shitty propaganda film
I can't imagine this happen in real life. German pilots were mostly aristocrats and would expect honorary treatment as prisoners of war
>War is nightmarish meat grinder, where common folks forced to kill each other for vague ideals.
>Instead of showing opposite side as humans too, with hopes and dreams, Hollywood dehumanizing them, by turning in to cartoon tier villians who's okay to kill.
>And with that, they justifying process of War itself.
I'm not biggest fan of germans, but fuck Hollywood.
>on their heads
do british people have their brains outside of their heads
i hated every second of this trash movie
that krauts are fucking animals and should all be killed on sight?
I already knew that...
>I'm not biggest fan of germans
why not?
This photo tells you anything you need to know about sharon
>that child that takes off his hat at the end
They sure as hell don't have brains inside their heads lmao
Not a big fan of socialism and consequences of that little revolution, which was funded by german gold.
Although german music is kino.
boy learned to show some respect that day
absolute junit
Why is that guy knocking down those crosses? Is he an atheist?
he knocked down german crosses on russian land so it doesn't really matter to me.
it's g*rmanoid graves polluting Slavic soil