
Cocaine and forklifts edition

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Candles for dad

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A Tale of Poo Shitties
by Charles Cockens

just went up the stairs

on all fours?

/brit/ needs:
more people of colour
more women of colour
more working class posters
more disabled posters
more homeless posters
more nonbinary and transgender posters
less white men
less british posters
less tarq cunts

The mayor of Paris has been fined for hiring too many women for her management team, breaking French gender equality laws

Loooool rekt


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just got sacked from my forklift operation lads

ROARING at this

arrest all women

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those are actually pretty cool but you'd need to be a top shagger to have them in your home without looking like a twat

>courier knocks on the door while housemate is in the shower
>pretend i don't hear it
>he has to go to the post office depot to pick up the package


Much Poo About Nothing - Willy Shakeshisspear

Just pickled a fuck, now the fuck is split open and is all shitty
Wut do?

it was the best of poos
it was the worst of poos

where in Britain is Paris again???

sucking a forklift

just copped this number

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It would be lol if we didnt know that you were just scared of the social interaction


might cop

I unironically have tinder plus just so I can screenshot photos for wank material

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and Wise

yeh mate being a complete cunt is hilarious.

for me it's the cut part where you blow up the instructors' ex-wife's car (restored in the remaster)

I'm actually not though. Just sick of getting his shit. He needs to learn to track orders or at least be mindful of when they might come.

I think I’ve seen her on tinder. Is she from Batley?

why do you need tinder plus for that

>THE Archbishop of York has revealed that one of the TV programmes he is most looking forward to over Christmas is Gogglebox, saying it portrays a 'glorious, diverse picture of the United Kingdom.'

>He writes: "What I love about it is that I see in the people I'm watching, a joyful and diverse common humanity and a country that is represented in all its constituent parts - north and south, east and west. Somehow it restores my faith in humanity."

>"I want us to be a Gogglebox Britain, laughing and weeping together, and seeing our diversity as a great strength."

Ahhh yes, definitely the future we should aspire to.

don't like anti-ginger people

mad how we've already had the best post of the thread

hahaha howling ahaha

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you sound like a prick.

I can have French/ Russian wanks and Greek wanks if I’m feeling exotic

thank the lord every single day i don’t have to go back to call centre toil ever again

Shows you how much respect to have to the church doesnt it

fucks sake...

>shagged a ginger

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in awe at the size of this lad

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good idea that tbf

not even once

>diversity is good
This tweet is a good example of it.
She tries to list them to show that Britain, yet those group only went to England generally but anyway, has always had diversity.
She seems to ignore it caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people and the genocide of entire people.

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>made and deleted my tinder account too many times so i have to wait 3 months for the algorithm to forget my bot behaviour

fucks sake lads

you, an idiot: small
me, an intellectual: hugenot

France is British territory. Just you wait, we will claim what is rightfully ours.

I'm not running up and down all day to pick up his stuff. Especially when I'm supposed to be working.

that's my excuse

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its one parcel

so he should just not shower all day?

find it utterly baffling that left wing parties support mass immigration

>wage stagnation
>increasing house prices
>pressure on the nhs
>competition for school places
>removal of working class communities and identities

the parties of the working class indeed

Bro your on /Brit/ for fuck sake don’t pretend like work is a factor here. Could have picked up 100 parcels if you weren’t here moaning about it.

Is that how long it takes to reset swipes and shit?

ffs lads
I don't know what to do with by Barnet
Wish I could walk into the barbers and simply say "do whatever you think is best"

the immigrants staff the NHS you complete wank pheasant

He orders shit all the time. I've gotten sick of it.

If he gets up at a reasonable time he can shower before delivery window.

Had to run some gear into town the other day in a taxi, heading into town, traffic predictably horrific

Taxi driver - “You know who’s fault this is”

Me (Sighing) - “No mate”

Taxi driver - “Angela Merkel”

they haven't been the party of the working class for years.
fully in cahoots with megacorporations, neoliberalism and globalism.

what does make cuckolding great again mean

Your average white Briton will have ancestry in the UK going back thousands of years. Complete nonsense to insinuate they're not indigenous.

or that they're all euros

>yeah bro just gimme the hitler youth cut

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Quarantine being the 14 days after having covid
14 days without being a slag is her virginity growing back

try saying "just fuck my shit up" and see what happens

alri Angela?


Think some of you were a bit too harsh on that lad who bought his Dad a candle for Christmas.

this 2bh
ah yes, corporations having easy access to cheap labour undermining the economic leverage of the native population
very working class

desperate for more brown wood in my flat

you can do that or at least ask their opinion

you could probably do that in a decent barbers desu and they’d give you some suggestions

$1 McAloo double
Dhoom fan?

i'm getting mine cut today after not having it cut for two months i just ask for three short back and sides and longer on top


Why do these mongs try to use history to justify their pro-mass migration globohomo shit today?
No one wanted all these pakis and blacks here.

You can do that, I’ve done it before and I’ve been getting a similar cut since, genuinely changed my life

right this is piss take
washing machine has been going for like 90 minutes
it's supposed to be a bloody quick wash

Just because I rent a £3k a month flat in Central London doesn't mean I'm not working class. How dare you!?

so i read mate. got over 100 matches on my first day when i got it after breaking up with the gf (good looking twat) got it back yesterday and have 3 (three) matches since. nothing on my prof changed lolz