What's it like being muslim?
What's it like being muslim?
It's a sad existence at least for the 4chanz muschlims who don't have a career and therefore can't get married in their counts
It's pretty good, especially so if you can stomach a few "hate" and "vitriol" flowing through you
Islam actually makes a lot of sense in so many aspects, but you just gotta accept that hate is a core concept too
You get a sense of purpose and guidance.
probably hating themselves because theyre the most hated people in the world and if you convert to another religion you will get your head chopped
Fantastic. You have a sense of ease and purpose like the Indobro said, your existence and afterlife disposition are in frame. The simple rejection of earthly pleasures keeps your mind clear and your heart full
>cousin marriage cements low iq
>extreme political instability, extreme nepotism, ministers and local governments decided in clan warfare instead of who is competent
>meaning: everyone is incompetent
>whole economy depends on foreigners
>cant built anything on your own, cant even refine your ONE (1) and ONLY export, no petro chemical or any industry, just exporting crude
>sharia courts, peak subhumanity
>religious police, you can get beheaded for unironic witchcraft in the [current year]
>rampart degeneracy, boy fucking, subhuman 70iq imbeciles creating 10+ copies of themselves
>local government priority: golden toilet for me and my cousin who is my deputy minister > electricity and healthcare for the local population
Almost Africa tier. Better, but just slightly. Everyone should thank God every day he isnt an Arab or African.
Sucks in life, great in afterlife
Depends which one, which nationality and where
Mostly this
It's okay for the most part. Most annoying part is getting spam calls from the based department.
Too bad they will go to hell like all non catholics
why are there so many muzdogs here on a fucking imageboard? shouldn't you be reading the quran or blowing shit up or something?
LMAO. Arabs are one of the greatest people who ever lived.
>Martial culture (destroyed and conquered almost all of the Persian and Roman empire)
>Won incredible battle such as Yarmouk despite being outnumbered and barely armed
>Incredibly rich literature
>Numerous scientist and intellectuals
>Magnificent architecture
>Descendants of the founders of civilization
While you are simply Slav(e) subhumans. The name of your lowly race was literally given to the lowest place in society lmao.
t. ahmed from brampton
you will always be a paki
Achmed, es werden keine Jungfrauen auf dich warten.
Shouldn't you go back to China where your race belongs?
I'm not a Paki, half moorish scum. Even medieval Arabs thought Slav(e)s were on par with blacks LMAO, looks like things haven't changed at all. Also go back to Romania, Ukraine or whatever Slav(e) hellhole you came from.
They merely thought slavs were inferior and often compared them to black Africans.
>Sa'id al-Andalusi writing about the slavs says, “Their temperament are frigid, their humours raw...they lack keenness of understanding and clarity of intelligence, and are overcome by ignorance and dullness, lack of discernment and stupidity."
>Ibn Khaldun wrote black Africans are "close to character to dumb animals. Most of them dwell in caves, thickets, live in svaage isolation, and eat each other." Not to be exclusive, Khaldun adds "The same applies to the Slavs."
>cant have electricity at home
Oh its great. Dude just trust me. Arab world is the best! It was so awesome, I had to leave just so I could tell everyone else how good it is.
Ayy rabs struggle to separate church and state 1000 years after everyone figured it out. Imagine having billions of people and billions of oil money but no significant modern contributions to society, no hard science Nobels, not a single Tesla tier scientist, not a single technologically complex export.
Desert land, desert brain.
>chink this, chink that
classic muzdog
now turn off your computer and go back to banging your head against the floor like a good muzdog boy.
This board is practically incapable of discussion without focusing on religion, race or gender
The majority of posters have an axe to grind and are obsessed with conflict
you do realize that whenever an oil nigger has to buy a helicopter part, he has to call a slav, right? you do realize that oil niggers still struggle with assembling AKs, right?
while slavs were in space, oilnigs were still going 'muh literature from the stone age tho'
>they are the most hated people
>so says the national hated by all it's neighbours and even by half of his own co-citizens
The same can be said for when slavs were peasants covered in piss and shit from their day to day lives deemed worthy by others only of slavery in a crimean market for a handfull of coins and while muslims lived in actually decent cities
outside of the few tourist zones built by euros for oil, 90% of arabic world still lives without electricity, sewage treatment (they also burn trash at burn piles), they behead each other for witch craft, and ride donkeys while suffering 10+ curable chronic diseases and illiteracy
im telling you, muslim world is replacing african shamans with imams, its the most primitive and foul, vile subhumanery imaginable
stop seething already ratko
>so says the national hated by all it's neighbours and even by half of his own co-citizens
India is literally the best nation compared to its neighbours
>Paki terrorists
>Bangla, Nepal shithole riddled with poverty
>Irrelevant Sri Lanka
>Bhutan, Myanmar again worthless
>China >Must be nuked out of existence
Wont argue with that, but dont pretend you are liked by any of them and dont fling shit while having glass ceilings
>most hated people in the world
Nah, Chinks have them well beat now
amount of people killed by Hindus > 0
Amount of people killed by Christcucks, Muzzdogs, Kikelets > 100 Million+ and counting
It's kind of endearing this sort of Indian delusion
Why is islamphobia accepted and wide spread on this board but every single russia related post get deleted
why is the man committing suicide, doesnt he know suicide is haram
the janitor is believed to be of russian descent