Their aggressive expansion policies lead to superior Burger King being replaced by the finnish garbage...

Their aggressive expansion policies lead to superior Burger King being replaced by the finnish garbage, does this happen in your cunt int?

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extremely fucking based

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Hallo Pizza was replaced by Dominos here.
Hallo Pizza was based,german, and they had really good Burgers and Pizza.
Dominos is full with pakis and indians and the pizza taste like crap.

i've wanted to eat at one ever since learning about them 5 years ago on Zig Forums

Countries I have eaten hesburger:

the quality is very consistent and always from fresh ingredients.

Countries I have eaten hesburger:

Buger King has been getting dabbed on by local GBK over here. TBQH it doesn't look like BK have good management right now.

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same here, they replaced based McDonald's with shitty Five Guys.

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five guys is immensely superior to mcdonalds here

I can confirm 5 guys here is better than mcdonalds but not by much and vastly overpriced

I remember when few shopping centres had hesburgers in Espoo but now they are BK:s
what the fuck

>sloppy fires
>burgeres covered with mayo
i give it 0/5

>fresh ingredients
>bottled mayo

Turkburgers out
give us back Carrolls

>burgeres covered with mayo
But that's the best part!

mäkkäri 5/5
hese 0/5

Hell yeah, gonna get some hessy, you lads want something?

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The first time I went to 5 guys I unknowingly spent nearly 30 bucks on a meal just for myself

mega-ateria with fanta and cucumber mayo
also take few bags of take away ketchup, pepper and grill spice

>yks fanta kiitos

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mega-ateria, banana milkshake

be thankful for that romand cocksucker

their pizza dough is like cardboard, dry and tasteless

it's not bad but i kind of want a mcdonalds in my town. also i can't wait for hesburger to expand to north korea or something.

If Burger King is superior why did it lose?

>same here, they replaced based McDonald's with shitty Five Guys.
>Five Guys

hooley shieeet I didn't have any singing Apus

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prepare for kotipizza next

And thats a good thing

Try their paprika and cucumber mayonnaises. At least in Finland it's god like and the only reason they are even popular. They might not go through the trouble of importing it all the way to BVLLGARIA though, could just be using some shitty local one but you should try anyways.