Portugal yet again confirmed to be eastern european

>portugal yet again confirmed to be eastern european
>poland always hungry as usual
>france demented

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what is it with medshits and killing birds

I learn something new about my country every time i look at this maps

what about north africa?

>hit two flies with one fly swatter
do germs really throw away their swatter after each kill

Fuck you Finland and fuck you Estonia

kill 10 ryssää with one suomikonepistoolilla

Brits are med confirmed

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Rabbits and birds, as you can see in the map

I always knew you were slavs larping as latins


birds are tasty

cringe and disgusting
based and tasty

>kill 10 ryssää with one suomikonepistoolilla
Ruski still mad ?

I find it funny that in Croatian you say odmah (an odd, analytic form of even odder construction - 'od maha' - 'of one blow') to mean 'immediately', which you of course shorten to odma because your language makes no sense. We on the other hand say 'dve muhi na en mah' in this instance, which is related to that adverb.

is that related to their scat fetish?

deliciously based

>two flies with one slapper make actually sense since that is possible to do
>To kill two birds with one stone is pretty much impossible

>he can't kill two birds with one stone
lmao @ u

The most natural by far

>To kill two birds with one stone is pretty much impossible
Imagine not having balearic slinger genes...

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In finland we have this alternative:
Drive two cars at the same time

And this is why Polen should lead the EU.


Based pigeons

What's that bit in bulgaria?


Oh you meant bulgaria, proably somw turki-gypsy enclave

Why is everyone so obsessed with us?

Attached: portugal_itsem30ns514_guess-d7c_sup6-1116.jpg (300x300, 38.13K)

Because you are cute