Would you with a turk?

would you with a turk?

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I have put aside all desires of the id.

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yea prob

I have

only good turk is a dead turk

fuck turks

I would.


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Is this a male? I keep fucking forgetting

yes but not that one

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Yes, with a real Turkic woman though

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Yes but not with that cumskin hoe

yes please

Don't mind if I do .

what about the ones of the superego and ego?

looks finnish

only a turk twink


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i dont know what she is, people here say she is uralic and someone on Zig Forums told me she is turkic im just going to call her russian since she lives there.

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nice to see you again, bro
i hope you're well

Sure, between Turanic people it is not wrong.

everything would be better if i could talk to her.

A Turkic Steppe gf? Yes.

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Bang a Turkish woman?
Sure, I have.
Bang a tranny? No.

She looks like Tatar with russki vibes

Based self-hating turk

Of course I will. What kind of question is that?

Why couldn't people here think ahead.

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If she has a dick, yes.

Made for BGC

My Steppe gf is for me, not Greeks.