
gruffalo edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/"gary lineker"/country/GB/start/2020-09-11/end/2020-09-12/

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Any Charlie Bingham man

saved £31k in 2020

>we don’t want to be saying you’ll lose your job unless you take the vaccine... yet

Corrr shan’t be taking the vaccine


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funny lookin'
bird is cute tho

odd that reddit and twitter have discovered the word "based"
spose the 'chon will have to generate some new lingo

head like a tictac

I don’t even earn that in a year haha

PewDiePie sells shirts with it on. Big yikes from me

ummmm.... ok????

are jez


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head like a laughing shoe

Dogshit yank edition

> site director earns 1.8 million a year
> I, forklift operator, only earn 17k a year
> he doesn’t even have a forklift license
We need communism and we need it now.

looks like are 190

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What's a good non alcoholic drink to buy. I've forgotten what ones of these are good. I think I remember Ribena being good.


seems to be a serious lack of critical analysis about this vaccine
who on earth would put their blind faith in pfizer of all companies after they've been absolved of all legal responsibility

nobodys time is worth tens of millions. NOBODY

That belly is so fucking gross

nah Ribena went to shit after the sugar tax. for me? it's Robinsons Creations Mango

Yes it is if that's what they're being paid you utter moron

nice quads

pilsner urquell

>odd that reddit and twitter have discovered the word "based"
Not odd at all, considering the people on Zig Forums that spammed it the most were people on Zig Forums, which, since 2016, has basically been a colony for reddit.
Also based wasn't invented by Zig Forums, it was invented by Lil B.

Reminder pfizer or the government cannot be sued for the vaccine if anything goes wrong hehe

Yeah I'm sure youre part of the chon mate haha were here with us doing a dark underbelly of the internet were ya?

Need to get my brother some books for christmas
What are some of the best classics lads

absolutely pissing it down out there

not enjoying the forklift gimmick tbqhwy

wish people would stop posting it

Based has been used in its current since 2012, newfriend

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quite honestly and truthfully bored, lads


don't consider /brit/ part of 4channel me

what is mRNA anyway? I read somewhere that the vaccine will teach the body to recognise mRNA as a pathogen carrier and threat and start attacking the ones already in your body

mein kampf

>After 2 months I'll finally be shagging again tomorrow
thank fuck

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Just learned the Roman's were actually merciful to Jesus after crucifying him

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120 days of sodom

Quite concerned I might be lagging behind a bit and I’m almost 25 hmmmm

Just inject random shit in your body. Definitely a good idea.

Mad how passing your driving test first time is actually a sign you might be retarded.

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way longer than that

Nah too much of an effort to read

Have that already in our house

had me willy sucked today

was that bloke on the left shitting himself..?

any riley reid man in?

boomer facebook tier post

DON’T post it again

Forklift licence is for people too dumb and impaired to get a HGV licence

Catcher in the rye
If his brother posts here he needs it too

well isnt that the question of the day

quite literally pooing

Gary Lineker taking his dog to the vet after finding three times as much shit in the garden since taking in another refugee housemate

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this but i'm 27

Finnegans Wake

reckon the thickos just don’t overthink it desu lad and past first time whilst the intelligent folk work themselves up in to a bit of a panic and end up failing

I will move to your country soon. Is polish diaspora excluded from vaccinations?

meet you outside the aldi on smithdown at 3 for a barney lad

I never said it wasn't an old meme, I said the people that spammed it the most are people on Zig Forums.

Getting my vaccines from an Albanian connection

how old is he?

I moved to London just about 1.5 years ago, I am not native speaker and I want to find friends. How do I do that? I work as a software dev, but from home, so colleagues is not really an option...

Thinking of becoming a delivery man. They're hiring and driving round town dropping off packages to make people happy seems like a nice job. I'm always pleased to see my delivery guys.

what the fuck is this

Gary Lineker getting an earful after accidentally hanging a tablecloth in his new guest's wardrobe

being a sad pathetic mess isnt a sign of intelligence

it’s over

business idea: tax the bankers the bonuses the 90%

never watched Love Island
is it as awful as it seems?

I dont want to give him a book that makes me look like a perverted freak


oh wow a magic talking door

shh, that cope is literally all they have

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Well first of all what you do mate is pack up your stuff and take the first flight home because we are fucking FULL UP

motor skills are just better younger. The left of that column might as well just have age ranges on it.



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Meetup.com is good
Just gotta find meetups for things you enjoy and go to them, meeting other people who enjoy the same things you enjoy

Put urself out there x

(once COVID-19 is walloped out of existence of course)

It's great

what is he into?

found an absolute lunatic online aha

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> you die
> you’re in front of the pearly gates
> you hear a beeping noise
> god is reversing into view on his forklift
> it’s a 1955 kliegel forklift

smdh you've got some great suggestions here

Why do Englishmen steal Scots speech?
Like with gie's a Scottish shortening of gie us they stole and corrupted to gis.

Just go outside and talk to anyone white. You may be searching a while.

Not the point. Most people just accept being paid the acceptable bare minimum for theit time/labour and don't argue. Your pay is a transaction and people need to argue for themselves to get a fair deal

>I work as a software dev
your kind was never meant to have friends


>buying your 22yo brother a gift
uhhh gay? gay alert?

Squirm often mate?


If you're female, I can help show you around, teach you some of the local terminology, make sure you can meet new friends. If you're male, pack your bags.

anyone who argues just gets rejected and the jobs goes to someone who doesnt argue. what world do you live in?

desuarchive.org/int/search/text/"gary lineker"/country/GB/start/2020-09-11/end/2020-09-12/
ah yes, Gary Lineker posting, now THERE was a one-thread gag

Any other HGV Licence man in?

No, bad drivers just take longer to pass their test. If you're a good driver you'll pass first time and most likely at a younger age, bad drivers might not pass til their mid 20s when they've already got qualifications etc

if you brits could do another wave of british heavy metal, that'd be great thanks

some of my finest work

Please, London is so desolate now. I kinda feel now that it felt so overcrowded just because of the tourists and the fact that 90% of the residents work in the City.

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>mate who cares if half the country is on minimum wage that ceo deserves to get 20 grand a day because he asked for it

I’ve lived with a load of people from Aus and NZ, they said that they join Facebook groups to meet people e.g. aussies in London.

Could be a good start if a lot of people from your country come here

what sort of stuff does he like user?

The bell curve meme should explain this.
t. 80 IQ, passed first time.

> Gary Lineker cutting up his guest's spaghetti because it looked too much like the arabic word for penis

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Ah hes a smart lad like

In the basket so far is crime and punishment and the odyssey

That's not exclusively Scots
People in Derbyshire say that as well
Gie it ovver ere duck

Show I'm watching just mentioned forklifts wow!


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>Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick says people should use their own judgement when it comes to Christmas plans

Gary Lineker operating a fork lift

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based, in dire need of it

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a daring synthesis

was a pleasure doing /brit/ness with you

Cutting up coke with my forklift license

Meetup sounds incredibly Reddit.

history is the cope of losers, they can't live in present time and so they hide in the past. Being into history is like being into videogames

>Gary Lineker desperately trying to explain that an electric toothbrush is not "witchcraft"
>Gary Lineker wondering whether smokey bacon flavoured crisps "count"

no it isnt
be quiet

what a radical new idea

Not really, people who actively negotiate and move jobs frequently end up earning substantially more

the boys

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