>be Japan
>3rd largest stock exchange
>fuckton of large automotive, technological and industrial companies
>still lower per capita income than Belgium, which doesn't contribute anything to the world
Be Japan
because there's 120 million of them?
belgium contributes great beer
it has much larger population to feed and the country has little to none unemployment because of their relatively flexible labour law
11 million vs 120 million
>Belgium, which doesn't contribute anything to the world
French fries and chocolate?
belgium has lots of eurocrats with fake jobs that should not exist
EU handouts
japan's workforce literally runs on useless tasks and paperwork
always wondered what the salaryman thing was about
The chemical industry in Belgium is massive, just so you know
Weak unions
>large cunt has large absolute numbers but not necessarily per capita
Many such cases.
>earthquake happening in every fucking day(not joke)
>heavy snow(one of worst in the world)
>flood the water due to alot of rain
>average age of Japan is 48 years old
Japan keeping 3rd largest is fucking miracle of universe.
you made hololive so you cool
work more Takeshi.
This is not enough. I pray you'll stay after working hours today to contribute to Japan's economy.
>>average age of Japan is 48 years old
Time to take in some refugee bvlls. They'll breed jap women and save japan
I thought Tokyo had a massive underground chamber to prevent floods?
Why not make more?
Belgium better than Japan confirmed.
Watch Princes of the Yen
You just know nothing about Belgium but know everything of Japan because you're a faggot weeb
There are too many disasters to deal with everything...
You made the 4th season of Attack on Titan Full of CGI and rotoscoping, I'll never forgive you, Japan.
Average Japanese guy is a 70 year old pervert in a nursing home, begging nurses for their used underwear. Not every Japanese makes a car.
>Globohomo index
Gas yourself
it's WIT's fault.
Belgium gave us great BD, unlike Japan.
Rank 24 pleb. Get on my level
>You just know nothing about Belgium
Enlighten me. What does Belgium produce?
>but know everything of Japan
Literally everyone knows companies like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Sony, and many, many more
What's wrong with Eurocrats?
Prefer technocrats to monarchists tbqh, desu.
We seriously need a better metric than gdp per capita. Otherwise Macau and Cayman islands much be some of the richest and most powerful nations in the world.
please draw more anime tiddies
gdp per capita doesn't show how powerful a country is, total gdp does