How can Germans tell the difference between a Turk and a German?

How can Germans tell the difference between a Turk and a German?

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You know that this dude is one of the hottest alive?

The smell

Turks shower

by sucking their dicks
if they're cut, they'r turks
if they aren't, they are germans

He looks French do you realize it?

>if they're cut, they'r turks
i'm turkish and uncut

aren't all muzzies circumcised at birth?

>by sucking their dicks

Can confirm, it's the best and only way.

you're only a roach

well my dad got circum'd at 8 and knew how awful the experience was so he didnt circum me
ironically he was a terrible father but i appreciate this 1 thing

>i'm turkish and uncut

God, this is literally my dream

a roach with an 8.5inch cock
my wife is BLACK know your place


What a waste of penis.

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they actually don't, trust me on this one. turks love their bodily smell, they think it's manly

Germ propaganda

Aren't you busy starving?

>with an 8.5inch cock
can I check if you are turk? in the best and only way

I don't shower but that's because i'm gross creepy incel

We can't. People with Turkish roots are German citizens like anyone else. They integrate in German society

Are you TÜRK?

But this one is probably french

yes her ass that leaves the room 5 minutes after she does really does waste my penis

i am thankful

Germans are the working class.


one is angry all the time, will look down upon you at any chance given, and thinks he's better than everybody else
the other speaks turkish.

germs are more swarthy

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Further proof that all white people look the same

we kanaks use 20 different types of perfumes and other colognes,meanwhile you faggots dont wash yourselves because it helps the enviroment

>we kanaks
>t. Albanian
? albanains are not brown people u whiteoid muslim


go pray to a fucking cow and stay out of german-auslander business,i dont blame the germans when they want to kick you and pakis out disgusting gypsy

>They integrate in German society

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