DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2481

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

Translation requests, insults, reddit posts, learning method / eceleb discussions: Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

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DJT is the best Japanese language learning vtuber shitposting thread on Zig Forums for むっつりスケベ共 that are interested in everything Japanese (no politics )
Japanese speakers learning English are also welcome

How to heal COVID and flu with amantadine/rimantadine hydrochloride:

The only way to learn 日本語:
2.Don't waste time/money on ゴミ like:
-Shitty apps, 英語 youtube channels, Genki, Imabi, RTK, KLCC, Kanji Damage, Wanikani, Duolingo, language schools, classrooms, AJATT, JLPT, Kanji Kentei tests etc.
-Awful anki decks (only 2k/6k from the OP and a simple yomichan mining deck are ok)
-You shouldn't spend more than 1-2 hours on Anki as a beginner and 20 minutes max after a few months, spamming easy is fine, Anki is only good at the start to prepare you for the journey
-Pitch accent (doesn't exist, you can say words however you want )
-Learning how to write on paper (you can do it later once you're decent at Japanese)
Avoiding these beginner traps will cut down your learning time considerably to less than 5 years if you learn every day and never give up, since the following points are what actually teaches you Japanese
3.Take care of yourself, read cosmetic ingredients, switch fluoride for hydroxyapatite, opt for natural ingredients if possible
4.Spend a few days getting familiar with hiragana and katakana
5.A few months of Anki 2k/6k vocabulary and Tae Kim grammar while reading something easy on the side
6.A few years of reading, listening, watching vtubers, shitposting in /djt/ and having your posts corrected by Jap flags, googling stuff you don't know and you're done!
7.Move to Japan (optional)
8.Realize there's always more to learn and the ride never ends



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I want to get caught between their boobs badly.

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you are cute


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My favorite Hololive members are
Who are yours?

Pekora because she is the only one I've ever watched and also I only watched one video and also I didnt finish it.
But I welcome the Virtual Future.


Pekora, Korone, Kiara and Haachaama

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DJT is the best Japanese language learning vtuber shitposting thread on Zig Forums for むっつりスケベ共 that are interested in everything Japanese (no politics )
Japanese speakers learning English are also welcome

How to heal COVID and flu with amantadine/rimantadine hydrochloride:

The only way to learn 日本語:
2.Don't waste time/money on ゴミ like:
-Shitty apps, 英語 youtube channels, Genki, Imabi, RTK, KLCC, Kanji Damage, Wanikani, Duolingo, language schools, classrooms, AJATT, JLPT, Kanji Kentei tests etc.
-Awful anki decks (only 2k/6k from the OP and a simple yomichan mining deck are ok)
-You shouldn't spend more than 1-2 hours on Anki as a beginner and 20 minutes max after a few months, spamming easy is fine, Anki is only good at the start to prepare you for the journey
-Pitch accent (doesn't exist, you can say words however you want )
-Learning how to write on paper (you can do it later once you're decent at Japanese)
Avoiding these beginner traps will cut down your learning time considerably to less than 5 years if you learn every day and never give up, since the following points are what actually teaches you Japanese
3.Take care of yourself, read cosmetic ingredients, switch fluoride for hydroxyapatite, opt for natural ingredients if possible
4.Spend a few days getting familiar with hiragana and katakana
5.A few months of Anki 2k/6k vocabulary and Tae Kim grammar while reading something easy on the side
6.A few years of reading, listening, watching vtubers, shitposting in /djt/ and having your posts corrected by Jap flags, googling stuff you don't know and you're done!
7.Move to Japan (optional)
8.Realize there's always more to learn and the ride never ends



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You really have to be a sad individual to think about favorites

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Why is everyone learning japanese?

to read manga


I'm a huge weeb.

i Don't know

At the start because a had a lot of time to waste, now for Hololive.

hololives and visual novels

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When I was a kid, my parents took me to Japan. Among the many places we visited, we stopped at Tokyo Disneyland for a day. I remember seeing an employee there wearing Minnie Mouse ears, and being smitten by how radiantly beautiful she was. I was head over heals in love, to the extent that is possible for an 11 year old looking at an adult woman anyways.
Ever since, I've had zero interest in any other women besides Japanese women. I made it my life's work to go to Japan and find a Japanese wife to marry who makes me feel the same way that she did. No other race of girls will do, she MUST be Japanese. I will accomplish this. I know I'm a deviant for being this way, but I don't care.


enjoy your stay


Op here

For me it's so that I can speak better with my Japanese wife and help our son that's in her belly. Lived in Japan for two years previously as a lang school student

I like languages and this one seems useful and challenging

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Useful how may I ask?

Japanese is nice and all but I would say it's not very useful at all unless you have personal plans for japan. One could even argue it's not useful for learning for manga and anime since subs and subs exist

Useful for ME because of the media I like, like video games, anime, even Zig Forums, which has many images with Japanese text in them.
I'm pretty sure I encounter it more often than Spanish or French or whatever the alternatives are.
Plus they have a pretty unique but nice culture and getting to know cultural differences makes you a more understanding person.

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Learn Japanese instead of replying to someone that will never learn it