What's the biggest bet you've ever won/lost?

What's the biggest bet you've ever won/lost?

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Lol she's a monster

She's a monster?

Why the fuck does DailyMail run these stories every time? I swear to God every single time these retards only report rape news from my country.
The Indians (government, of course) should consider doing something to the DailyMail offices.

The Indians (government, of course) should realize how repulsive and self-destructive you people are and try to fix it somehow

World cup final 2010 Spain vs Netherlands.

They do this kind of shit to every country, it's not personally against India.

Not really, I mean there's way more rapes in Africa or some other place but your newspapers only run news stories on Indians because you'd get away with racism against us. Even Indians in India openly talk about it.
And theprint.in isn't even a government news site, it's a left-wing contrarian news website. Even Indian leftists know that your society is inherently biased against us but gives a free pass to other groups.

liberals ironically defend people like these here
muh oppressed and all
government and all other normal people get called out a lot for this
this type of culture is protected under the guise of minority

India is populous, soon to be the largest demographically in the world, what is the point of blasting every single incident?

IMO I can see divisions between thridies that get ass pats and praise for tying their shoes and thirdies who are framed by them because of various ideological angles.

*framed by the western media

what's the point even
aren't we their democratic ally

>but your newspapers only run news stories on Indians
That's not true though. The DailyMail also does stories on rape within Africa as well.
These stories are just meant to shock their mostly western and first-world readership. It doesn't matter if it happens in India, Africa, or wherever, people see brutal crimes and they click the article.

Are you even a democrat if you are against free media?

is daily mail actually free media
your government has passively aggressively stopped all talks about rapefugee in your cunt
are you democrat

Letting media write what they want makes them free. The concept of free media does not hinge on who or what controls a specific outlet.
Even if your claim about what my government is doing is true.
How does that make me anything?
You are the one who wanted to attack a publication for writing about crimes in your country.

I'm down 750 from betting on the election. If the kikes manage to flip the senate I'll lose 200 more

that's all they focus on tho
you don't hear anything good from china either
their propoganda has gone stale
compare this to how deliberate they are on anything minority related (you know which) just shows how pathetic they are
this is just plain slandering

>media does not hinge on who or what controls a specific outlet
but it actually does nowadays

There are more Indians than Africans in the UK so they try to cater to their Indian readers by reporting more news from their home country.

It's their way of framing other nations as barbarians. They only report muders from Brazil, for exemple.

Also, people shouldn't read TDM, if they are not seeking for overly-retouched pictures of desperate for attention "celebrities", and U.K.'s elite's prositutes, paid for by their PR.

No wonder love jihad is so successful in India and Indian women choose Pakistani men...

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Free how?

Corporate media stacked up the ass with nonjournalists doing their shitty activism instead of doing honest work is more like a non-government Pravda.

wall Street journal isn't really good either
name one msm you trust nowadays
thry are deliberately creating an environment of ruckus and chaos imo


they actually have politicians and billionaires as stockholders

Isn't WSJ literally owned by Bezos? It's more an Amazon propaganda tool than anything else

wtf how did they get the cat to dress up like that

>It's their way of framing other nations as barbarians. They only report muders from Brazil, for exemple.

You are savages.

in early january I bet my dad $100 that by april NYC would be quarantined and there would be restrictions on leaving and entering the city

he laughed at me

I love this story

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name one nigga
i think there is none in this country
American/uk media is utter garbage
that's it that's all the media we get