Change my mind
Half Indian-Half British(White) are the best looking people
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Not really but I'm guessing the reason behind your opinion is that's because they look like an improved Indians kek
how can any other mixed mutts even compete?
some Indians are very pretty like Bollywood stars
considering that gypsies & pashtuns are basically half white half
Can I ask you an question? Why is it necessary for you to have Indians viewed as proximal to whites?
Is their intrinsic value based on their closeness to western Europeans?
wife material
>Can I ask you an question? Why is it necessary for you to have Indians viewed as proximal to whites?
Every single race outside of Western Europe does this. Including Arabs, and Middle Easterners. Including East Asians. Including Indians. And including Latinos.
Go to any incel forum, and there's hundreds of various kinds of MENAs with complexes about being "Caucasoid", go to any Arab model catalogue and all of them have green eyes and you'd think all of the Middle East was South/North Europe. "La Raza" is a thing where Latinos want to improve the race by introducing European admixture. East Asians cut open their eyes and noses. And subcontinentals bleach their skin. Africans too bleach their skin, I'm sure you've heard of that.
People like OP are just one of them. It's very difficult to undo this in a short amount of time. Maybe with the Chinese domination, some of them will want to look more Asiatic.
In India being fair is considered the ideal standards and the media, ads, fairness creams all add up to this
I know brother. Sudan is plagued with that kind of behavior. It's subliminal admission of an inferiority complex.
Also another good post but stop spending so much time here. It's not good for you
"Fair and Lovely" caused more mental damage to the psyche of the average brown Indian than the entire British Empire combined, at least the Empire admired Indians for some of their traits, Fair and Lovely just shitted all over brown skin. Funnily enough it is owned by a British corporation (Unilever).
Zig Forums in nutshell
Every attractive woman I've met in bongistan has been half street shitter
Caucasoid actors
I'm not Half and Half, maybe like 20% Indian 80% Anglo
t. Anglo-Indian
what do you look like? indian? wog? anglo?
>Holl up We wuz Arianz n shit
People think my mum, siblings, and myself look Med
the girl in the pic looks med too.
Like an Italian or something
She has nordic features.
I'm a fair bit whiter than her but still don't look 100% Anglo
She's perfect.
I want to fuck her so bad bros...
Wtf nordics look like that? Meh
no nord has black hair, black eyebrows and dark eyes
thats the perfect skin tone. Neither dark nor being unable to stand in the sun for 10 mins
>being unable to stand in the sun for 10 mins
quite literally my dad ahah
>no nord has black hair, black eyebrows and dark eyes
I want to lick her teeth
Yes, it's a very sad thing when you see people with nice features actively try to change them in order to look more white. I used to get upset at people who tried to emulate European aesthetics for, like you said, they were making their own ethnicity seem inferior indirectly. Now it just makes me feel sorry for them
>Fair and lovely
>Fair and handsome
>Fair and white
>Fair and beauty
every cosmetic should be banned
probably a mutt herself.
farther north you go from equator the paler features one would have
I'm in love, guys
Half-Amerindian and Half-Mediterranean are the best mix race
i can't, you are right
I totally agree with you mate.
How can I find a half Indian half British girlfriend?
Looks qt, would marry uwu
probably London, or anywhere with significant indian populations in western liberal cities. Though indians usually prefer to marry with their own kind