>go to Germany for Erasmus
>college class ends
>German students slam their desk with their fist
Go to Germany for Erasmus
Other urls found in this thread:
tried doing that in portugal once and the desk broke
>go to the UK for Erasmus
>hitting on a cute French girl after class
>local British guy comes up to me and taps on my shoulder
>he says ''excuse me, but she is here on Erasmus, not sexual harassmus''
>I tell him to fuck off
>she starts giggling and we fuck aftwerard
Is it true people have sex in Erasmus in their mixed dorms?
>have a layover at Frankfurt Airport
>plane lands
>German passengers all punch the headrest of the seat in front of them
>go to Germany for Erasmus
that's your mistake
>''excuse me, but she is here on Erasmus, not sexual harassmus"
Yes it´s true that people have sex.
But indians are on the same level than all asian men. No women wants to have sex with you.
I literally want to move to Europe so alteast my kids would have some fun
Okay Krauty
If Indians don't have sex, how was 1.3 billion indian born?
???? Meme or true
almans have to be the most autistic nation on earth,you blame foreigners for ruining germany,when in reality they are the ones who are ruining it,and we are improving it
Why you post a mexican though?
It is always funny to watch the faces of exchange students when they see it for the first time.
>later that day, you flew off with her to your skycastle made out of clousd
arranged marriages
you are a retard. white women unironically hate indian men and your kids will probably never have sex, maybe with an immigrant or some ugly whale
seethe white cuck
I've seen it too
but whatever bro, move to europe, i'm sure your children will thank you once. you are delusional
a classic
Greatly improved the knife-crime statistics, can't argue that
Lurk more
never fails to make me laugh
>look at all these pictures of random relationships
lad, i live in a country with millions upon millions of indian, paki and bengali immigrants and i have never seen a desi male-white female couple. you'd unironically have more luck fucking white female backpackers in india who would at least find you exotic.
bruh imagine seething to a "your women fuck our men ur slut we chad XD" trigger bait.
i'm not angry, i'm giving practical advice to a fellow short king