How does it feel to have a gf in ur country? is it really worthwhile?
How does it feel to have a gf in ur country? is it really worthwhile?
no a lot of people in relationships are simps spending money on their gfs and they only get laid after marriage and which usually results in breakup even before that
god i wish i had an ass like that
me likey!!!
i will never understand superficial relationships
i just fucked around till i met someone I REALLY had a very close connection with
very very close
the type to not ask you to buy her shit etc
colombianas look like THAT?
what a different perspective, here is the other way around
>i just fucked around
girls are ok in this cunt, its the men that are shit
i am one of those
i cant bond, i am an emotional cripple and i am severely irresponsible towards people in general not just women
it feels like a chore to have a gf and another obligation that turns into stress despite what having a gf is meant to be
i dont like having a gf
its like having a sensitive plant you have to take care of
i like trees
therefor i dont blame women on my problems and behaviour, its just who i am and i accept myself as such
i dont think it would be a good idea for me to be in a romantic relationship, im not up for it
Middle upper class and rich yess
hey baby post face
no but in large part because a lot of good ones are taken
it's good to accept who u are user
There's literally no women in this entire country worth the time or effort
That's a lie. Aussie women are pearls.
why? I checked out Australian tinder and there were many pretty chicks
Are they really? Aren't they just like British girls
i wish you do
The girls are too chad or use tik tok. How's an Zig Forums user meant to compete?
Aussie girls aren't crippled.
No, Polish women are too high maintenance for serious relationships, unless you want to have kids.
I wouldn't know. I'm waiting to get a Steppe gf.
I had one and she wanted to have kids by the time she was 27 which translated to me having to give up drugs & alcohol and have a stable job by 30. Of course I was pretending to study at college, which might have given her the idea that I had the means to attain such a job, but it was all a mess that I shouldn't have gotten myself into itfp
Surf lassies blackened in the sun.
Aussie girls are as far from British girls as possible. They're much more tomboyish from my experience.
They're just British slags but somehow even trashier
Lies and deceit. You're trying to keep Zig Forumsernational anons from coming over and shagging your sea princesses.
really? I read polish women are quite conservative, trad and not materialistic at all
You're a coomer poojeet you would like anything
If you want a romanticized lie I won't ruin your fantasy
Based aussie steppe gf poster.
The fuck. Being conservative/traditional = being high maintenance. I would think an Indian would get that, seeing posts like
The real problem is that they don't have any of the benefits either. They combine this high maintenance with the bad attitude of western women.
Is that not a MAN??!
but bro you're 30, I think is a great age to settle down
Feels good when you get along and the sex is nice
I've never understood why European men get off on Aussie girls but I guess it's rose tinted glasses. They see them acting loud and crass and thinks that translates into a girl that knows how to keep it real or something lame like that
Enjoy your fantasy my guy