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spiders arent bugs


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They are bugs. They are not insects.

No I don’t believe in this shit
No I will not wear a mask
No I will not follow the arrows
No I will not social distance
No I will not live in a pod
No I will not eat bugs
No I will not stay the fuck inside
No I will not worship LGBTQBRAAP
No I don't care about this globohomo conspiracy
Yes I will shake your hand
Yes I will give you a kiss
Yes I will go out and have fun
Yes I will still have sex
Yes I will go to watch sports
Yes this is just a ploy to control you
Yes I will live rent free in the minds of cuck muzzle wearers when I go out

No, a bug is a specific insect, spiders are neither


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No, bugs are not kosher.

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You have merely eaten the bugs, I was hyped for those bugs, I dreamt about those bugs, I didn't see those bugs until the launch of those bugs, by the time it was nothing for me but just another bug.

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>First world countries need to start accepting bug meat that way poor Africans can eat beef

Americans eat disgusting garbage on daily basis and you worry if someone eating grasshoper sausages?

Was eating bugs part of your plan?

>live in the pod
>eat the bugs
>drink the soy
>flatten the curve
>wear the mask
>prep the bull
>have sex with the tranny

Attached: ff2.jpg (598x711, 40.3K)

>marry the whore
You forgot this

I read an article yesterday that was “applauding” a woman who made a successful OnlyFans while being an EMT for her “entrepreneurial spirit”

lmaoing @ everyone in this thread too pussy to take a bite out of an insect, are you guys that fucking beta?

I don't see why every woman doesn't have an OF, it's free money for literally doing nothing

Yeah, I can't complain about women doing it because I'd do the exact same thing if I could.



The vast majority of OF accounts earn peanuts, most of the money being made in that website is concentrated in a small % of more popular girls.

Yes you could. Gay men like straight men

Do the people who post these memes understand the irony of it? Or are they just mindless bots spamming shit because they were programmed to?

>Do the people who post these memes understand the irony of it? Or are they just mindless bots spamming shit because they were programmed to?

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these amerimutts will be eating roaches meanwhile i´ll enjoy a good Asado

Attached: asado.jpg (1200x900, 213.25K)

>Do the people who post these memes understand the irony of it? Or are they just mindless bots spamming shit because they were programmed to?

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Cope, bug eater.

This is a turing test for you. You have to save one of these babies. Which one do you save and why?
Only creative answers will pass this test.

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none of them because they are niggers

>Cope, bug eater.

Attached: 1598170163533.png (785x731, 159.92K)

>This is a turing test for you. You have to save one of these babies. Which one do you save and why?
>Only creative answers will pass this test.

Attached: 1607587973498.png (600x800, 30.08K)

>This is a turing test for you. You have to save one of these babies. Which one do you save and why?
>Only creative answers will pass this test.

Attached: 0df.jpg (1454x1520, 124.18K)

Seething lol
Swimming bugs in the sea
Swimming bugs in the sea
10 delicious swimming bugs
For my soyropean belly

That's a fair point, thought.