What's wrong with him?
What's wrong with him?
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I think he's just french
I don't know. But he is a president. These "first wifes" are always roles in the teather. I don't know what he actually fucks.
he is obviously hiding is homosexual escapades with a front, obviously
Why were they kneeling?
I imagine he is bi, and has quite different types of whores on rotation, desu.
A habbit
>VGH... JVPITER, I kneel
they are surrendering
So people talk about their silly artificial gestures.
But is it supposed to be respect or is it the amerimutt interpretation?
based and mommypilled
Let's just ignore these attention whores pantomimes intentions, please. Safe it for the ballet.
Stockholm syndrome due to sexual abuse by predatory teacher
They're fijians, that's how you salute the head of the state there.
Source : rtl.fr
Kneeling to your sovereign is normal practice
No he met her in highschool and she was the teacher. Theyre got to live the straight shota life and matured nicely into the next stage of their life together.
Im pretty envious ngl
>your sovereign
>your sovereign
Sovereignty rests on the people, have you learned nothing?
He's too based
Nothing, he is based af.
Sovereignty rests on god.
The old lady must be dry as fuck down there. How do they have sex?
Thoughts too complex.
they don't. pretty sure macron is gay
they've been together for 30 years, so they probably don't anymore...or they use a lubricant
I kneel...
you mean what's RIGHT with him
quick, someone find the pics of macron and the shirtless black guys