I know at least some things about every european country except this one. What is their language like? are they slavs...

I know at least some things about every european country except this one. What is their language like? are they slavs, if not then what are they? What's their culture like? Who are they similar to?

Attached: Flag_map_of_Bulgaria.svg.png (797x524, 29.72K)

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Language is Slavic with some loanwords from Russian, Turkish and French. We aren't Slavs ethnically, we're a mix between old Bulgars (Turkic tribe) and local Slavs. The culture is supposed to be very collectivist according to meme studies but idk about that. We are also the worst complainers in the world, stats show we are less happy than actual war-torn third worlders.
We produce rose oil

Attached: Dinevi.jpg (780x430, 117.57K)

they invented yoghurt

Attached: bulgarian_jugurtti.png (480x480, 165.55K)

They are gypsies and universally hated in Europe

>What's their culture like?


This are gyps, like you Patuljiko, not Bulgarians. This is 3 mins away from your pic, where your kind don't live

Attached: Screenshot_2020-12-16-14-57-11-535_com.google.android.apps.maps.png (1080x2246, 2.59M)

One of greatest opera voices are came from this country.
For example Christoff and Ghiaurov.

>This are gyps

All Bulgarian citizens educated in Bulgarian schools speaking Bulgarian and believing in the orthodox god.


>Bulgarian citizens
yes, unfortunately
>educated in Bulgarian schools
>Believing in the Orthodox god

>Language is Slavic with some loanwords from Russian, Turkish and French
So just Slavic.

>We aren't Slavs ethnically, we're a mix between old Bulgars (Turkic tribe) and local Slavs.
So just Slavs. All modern Slavs are mutts.

incredibly slow-pace of life
i lived in plovdiv for a year. it was pleasant enough but kinda eerily boring at the same time

my ancestor :)

Jamal is this you?!


pure cope

>Let me tell you about your country
Gyps don't go to school and the few that do, go to gyp schools. Also they are either Muslim or in some cases Protestant and Catholic. Never even heard of Orthodox gyps


>Peлигия пpaвocлaвиe, иcлям

stop coping already rasha, it's a lost cause

yeah, whatever, there may be some Orthodox gyps in name only. The fact is they're not religious whatever their "denomination" is, they don't go to church or follow rituals

Their true religion is Bulgarianness.


do most poles hate bulgarians?

No. I don't hate them either.

He's a gypsy originally from Serbia

They hate everyone.

Based finnishbro

you're seething

Some Bulgarians are just really mad that their country looks worse than Serbia.

You're primarily Slavs with Paleo-Balkan intrusions, and you score lowest in East Asian ancestry in the whole of Eastern Europe, so no, no more GRAND BULGAR ASPARUKHIA LARP

Nah nobody really cares about serbia, unless you're talking about musically

>Nah nobody really cares about serbia

Serbia is seen in Bulgaria and the original cause of most of Bulgaria's problems, including existence of North Macedonia

>lowest in East Asian ancestry
Don't tell Macedonians this, they will have a heart attack

Macedonia isn't in the top 10 of our problems and none of the others are Serbia's fault

>Macedonia isn't in the top 10 of our problems

I don't think if there's anything what makes Bulgarians seethe more than Macedonia. They're already used to having corruption and poverty in their country, but mentioning Macedonia and its own history and culture sparks their anger instantly.

Really?Never heard anybody talk about it.Are you really sure what you're talking about

you spend too much time on /balk/. Macedonia is barely talked about here and I'm sure it's the same in Macedonia.

When are gonna make up with lithuania?

not really. most people here love the balkans