What is your favorite French dessert ?

What is your favorite French dessert ?
For me it's Tarte Tatin.

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most of them looks really bland but maybe 15 is decent

Apart from chou and financier nothing looks bland

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looks awful

You look awful

Number 8 looks bland


Nafri semen


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yorkshire pudding

Those are bakeries viennoiseries, not actual desserts

My fav real dessert is creme brulée


Éclair au café

We have this exact dessert. Who stole it from who?

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I unironically would skip all of them. But I guess 15, 11 and 20 look the best.

Like your mother

Not a dessert fan, but in order:
>Coulant au chocolat
>Moelleux au chocolat

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What do Alanders think of Macron and France ?

Hes politics are basically unknown to the public here, the only foreign politics they are reporting on is drump. But if you would ask for a general opinion on the street then most most would say that's he's a good boy.
And many here sees France in a good light and wants to spend a vacation in Paris.

Are Macarons popular in Aland?

It's delicious
Eclairs are rather delicious. I know croissants are not really a dessert but they're 10/10

WTF I love Aland now
Based Brit

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*blocks your path*

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do you like tarte tatin? Rate mine then

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Looks delicious, would eat

19, is that a lemon tart?

citron means lemon yes

Yes but it's a tartelette (small tart) and we usually put meringue on top of it

thanks bby

paris brest is the best by far, sadly not known outside of france anywhere