
Ogri edition

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Ready meals and incelboxes.

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every one of you is a horrible little virgin spacker runt, fuck off

mad how all the saddos and losers are heroes this year

>phone posting

not really sure what this is trying to say

would you guys eat fried alligator?

have fun having to pretend to be happy after your wife remarries and you lose everything deano

bit mean that

feeling a bit funny about this image
might be the big arse

what is this cartoon about

Do Americans really?

>Covid: UK nations 'unanimous' in relaxing Christmas rules
This is actually fucked up. They are risking us all for some degenerate hedonistic reasons.
They didn't allow Muslims or jews to celebrate their holidays, why should christians get special treatment?

ah yes

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>sitting bolt upright at a desk just so you can post "doing a poo" on /brit/
fucking state of your life

oh noononononononononono ahahahhahaha

Objectively wrong. You're just incorrect. You have no legs to stand on, no intellectual backbone. Just what the fuck is your problem? Run your mouth somewhere else, coward.

Cheadle.... home.

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behaviour has become more and more erratic and degenerate in recent weeks

beginning to think i might have a problem haha

But it's not even on a menu, why would you think it's nice?

motorbikes and booba

they know they'll all get caught breaking their bubbles anyway

Will you be receiving the vaccine?

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I mean besides the stalking aspect, its not really illegal to fly a drone unless its around an airport

Having some porridge to take the edge off the day

You guys get vaccines yet?

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Would rather shit in my hands and clap.

how the mighty have fallen, three used to be top tier evening entertainment

>ah yes

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would flatten you as soon as look at you you complete spacker


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>people that celebrate christmas are christians
maybe 2%

surprised you've been allowed to post this

when did you realize consoomers are the blight of the world?

/brit/ has already forgotten about 190 and it makes me sick

Sucking a forklift

did u do this

it is in Louisiana
its pretty good honestly, tastes like a combination of calamari and chicken

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ah yes

probably, hoping theres some sort of defect so I can blame the librols

Forklift operator on the right
Call centre chads on left

I don't get it.

Christmas is an inclusive holiday open for everyone.

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hope aish is okay

based 3 nation governments in agreement. the scientists are wrong and have been wrong this whole time . fuck medical journals

The Architect

So many people have a couple drinks (beer/wine) pretty much every evening? Always have a couple myself

English girls 2021

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leftypol and his best mate rasheed in a frothing frenzy over this

who? eh dont bother replying I dont care

And Railway Signalmen in the centre

I've quite enjoyed this December so far, mainly because I haven't been forced to listen to the same 10 christmas songs on repeat.

Might just go to the Falkland Islands for Christmas and go to the pub with the lads

mark pouring his heart out

That's call alcoholism mate.

Ah yes the classic British town Louisiana.


Last night was the first in months that I hadn't had a drink.

this is what it means to be British.

I haven't heard any Christmas songs this year. Not on the radio, on adverts, in shops.... Nowhere.

each show summed up:
>irish retards
>irish retards
>american retards
absolute state of bbc 3

mental how true this is
british beauty standards are so bad

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what in God's name...

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arent they completely locked down to outsiders?

*has a go*

cant tell if thats aguero or amir khan

Bizarre how he thinks it's his decision, he's fucked it.

Imagine shagging a 38 year old independent artist who don’t need no man

Not accurate

uh oh Rorke is NOT going to like this!

Oi oi

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my name is Jason Bourne

Not according to the government's website

I just read the lyrics to Last Christmas by WHAM! and it turns out it's not a happy song at all.

every *lower class british girl

how do they stand the stench of fish and/or shit?

Probably on some level ye, I drink because it’s fun though not out of necessity just get a couple bottles in with the misses to watch a film or go for a meal with some drinks. Older generations used to drink much more.

Would you drink much every night?

>ywn have a qt german gypsy gf in early 2000s europe
feels bad man

They don't, this is why Claire has fucked him off (along with his repulsive personality)

Only when out or with friends. Too much of a slippery slope drinking at home.

>the absolute specimen that is seaside mark has got more pussy than I have
wasn't prepared for this feel

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Remember when that madlad posted on /sp/ from the Vatican while he was on a visit there?

new kino with kay

Never got seasider mark spamming it was never entertaining and it isn't now

BBC3 used to be the best one, look at the state of it now

It isn't for you to get but to ignore, blogposter.

nah mustve been out having sex while that was happening

If the gf’s away I won’t drink but I dunno the French and Italians can have a bottle of wine at lunch or the evening every day and seem fine. I don’t feel guilty about it just you get people like your man above calling it alcoholism and makes you think

Topicsperg slapped back into place

where am I

Why does she look like a swamp hag

>Would you drink much every night?
Most nights two or three but I crank it up once it gets to Friday

I'm also a shagger calm down pal

Same as myself excluding Sunday maybe Monday as I wouldn’t drink then because I’m reeling from the Saturday Friday session