ITT you cant say

ITT you cant say
>shut up fat
now what euros?

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shut up fatty

Take your belly off the tower handle fatty


Not american


shut up obese dumb pig

People over 50kg are either chubby, or extremely muscular.

shut up manlet

We don't know your height, that doesn't prove anything

People under 50kg are small women or children.

Stay quiet overweight

Yes, he is probably 1,42cm, desu.

heres my weight
i am 190cm tall

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I squat 110kg and bench 90kg im far from twink

ugly toes

Don’t care, still gonna princess carry you

I only set it to kg for your dumb euro brains, its 163lbs

Yes i know i wear socks too often

Shut up fat 5'7"

>t. 150 cm high

im 200 lb at 6ft4

ok? the taller you are the more you weigh thats seems reasonable

Every time

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Lol, you must be like 4 feet tall.

what did we do to deserve this bullying?

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shut up dat

>I squat 110kg and bench 90kg
you need to stop skipping leg day, that's shit tier squat stats for benching 90kg

Obviously not a Jap if I'm not using kg.
I'm from Chichester.

Quiet. We were winning.