>The word slave is derived from the ethnonym (ethnic name) Slav. It arrived in English via the Old French sclave. In Medieval Latin the word was sclavus and in Byzantine Greek σκλάβος. Use of the word arose during the Early Medieval Period, when Slavs from Central and Eastern Europe (Saqaliba) were frequently enslaved by Moors from the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa
Just Germanigger propaganda. Most Western interpretations of Medieval sources would indicate the Slavic area as being the main reservoir of slaves in the whole period of Early Middle Ages, beginning probably in the 6th century, and with a peak around the 10th. This preference for slaves of Slavic origin – so strong as to make Slavs the slaves by antonomasia – has been easily explained: in that period Slavic people were the only ones who were still pagan, and this detail is most important as it explains why, by choosing them, early medieval slave traders – mostly Venetian, Genoese and Jewish – did not violate the new principles of the “Societas christiana”, introduced by Pope Gregory the Great at the end of the 6th century, according to which baptized people must be excluded from slavery. What should be noted is that aside from this being a mere thesis, it is also historically and etymologically innacurate. After all, the Medieval Latin words for “Slav” and “slave” are not etymologically related. Further on, the Medieval Latin word for “slave”, and with it, its root as well, predate the first sightings and contact of mainland European civilization with the Slavs. Evolution of the name of Slavs "Sloveni/ Slaveni" comes from PIE *klew (to hear) evolving into proto-Slavic *slovo/ *slava (word/ fame), finally evolving into Sloveni/ Slaveni (those glorious/ those who understand eachother). Meanwhile, the English word for "slave" comes from the Latin word "clavis/ clavus" (a key/ nail), which bore the Latin word "inclavare" (to lock in), ultimately giving rise to the word "sclavus" (slave - "a locked one"), which probably entered English language, along with major portion of Romance words, with the Norman invasion. (1/2).
Nathaniel Mitchell
alright charles dickens i didn't ask for a novel
Xavier Wilson
Further on, the cognate with Sloveni/Slaveni, is word Sclavinii/ Slabini, a Latin denote for Slavic ethnic group. From a purely historical perspective, Greece and Gaul were the main reservoir of slaves for the Romans for centuries, while the Irish were the main reservoir of slaves for their Normano-English oppressors for more than half a millennium, and before them, to Norsemen as well. Matter of fact, Dublin became the biggest slave market in Western Europe. Its main sources of supply were the Irish hinterland, Wales and Scotland. Fifthly, just during the earliest stage of the Slavic invasion of Roman territory south of the Danube (6th century), a quarter of a million of Roman citizens were enslaved by the Sclavenes (early South Slavs) in just a single province, the number of their slaves kept growing as more and more provinces and their capitals fell to the aforementioned Slavs. Granted the Slavs didn't enslave their prey permanently, but they've enslaved them temporarily nonetheless, and in recorded numbers that are substantially greater than the number of Slavs who were enslaved by the Arabs, Franks and Venetian slavers during the entire duration of the "Early Middle Ages", and it renders the aforementioned non-Slavs as being more fitting to have their ethnonyms made “synonymous” with slavery”. (2/2).
Nathaniel Torres
Well, Tommy, if you want to learn something, then you have to muster the acumen to read 5 sentences without bursting an aneurysm.
Jordan Ramirez
Meanwhile in Poland there are teenage female SJWs that start to mimick american n-word by translating it into "m-słowo", meaning to censor "Murzyn", Polish equivalent of Negro/Black, etymologically originating from Maur, which is Moor in Polish. Recently it was still consider a neutral word, but their BLM-related screeching near American embassies actually managed to convince our language council to change Murzyn's status to pejorative and insulting instead of keeping it neutral. I can't even count the layers of irony and cultural cuckery anymore. We really live in a clown world.
Gavin Green
umm hello? reparations department?
Angel Williams
Luke Carter
Thank you fren, very educational. I will save it.
William Nguyen
>So said the Anglo, who was and still is enslaved by his Normano-Jewish overlords
Btw, are you slavic immigrant or some kind of anthropologist?
Christian Ward
My hobbies are history and anthropology, I specialize in Slavic history, specifically the early Slavic period, and I'm from Bosnia, peak Slavnigger.
Carter Torres
Fuck, for some reason I thought that you're from South America or sort. Sorry for my ignorance.
Adrian Bailey
No problems, friend.
William Parker
Will I ever know the backstory to that?
Angel Morales
He said Witcher 1 is the worst part of the trilogy
Jackson Jenkins
Did he die?
Lucas Wright
no. Someone posted that a girl obliged to suck one of the beater's cock if only he beat this guy
Sebastian Gutierrez
>Evolution of the name of Slavs "Sloveni/ Slaveni" comes from PIE *klew (to hear) evolving into proto-Slavic *slovo/ *slava (word/ fame), finally evolving into Sloveni/ Slaveni (those glorious/ those who understand eachother). Meanwhile, the English word for "slave" comes from the Latin word "clavis/ clavus" (a key/ nail), which bore the Latin word "inclavare" (to lock in), ultimately giving rise to the word "sclavus" (slave - "a locked one") wtf i didn't know that what an unfortunate coincidence
Isaiah Barnes
All this tells me is that despite being raided for well up to the 1700s, constantly losing our population to cruel slavers, we still managed to turn the tables, become first an empire that bitchslapped turkey and the muslim world, and then a global superpower giving westoids heart attacks as soon as they heard our accents
Our enslaved women bore children to turk and western owners, slowly adding our genes to the gene pool, and genociding native ragheads, germs and celtoids. Most likely due to us, turkey even became a successful state, since all of their ottoman leadership where pale SLAV'd descendants
Submit to the SLAVIC BVLL. Neither chains nor bullets can hold him. Most likely there is SLAV in you yearning to return to your people.
No wonder SLAVS and BLACKS are best friends- we're the strongest endurers.
so why are you in Britain? Enriching anglo gene pool?
Brody Baker
>just during the earliest stage of the Slavic invasion of Roman territory south of the Danube (6th century), a quarter of a million of Roman citizens were enslaved by the Sclavenes (early South Slavs) in just a single province, the number of their slaves kept growing as more and more provinces and their capitals fell to the aforementioned Slavs. DAS RIIIITE
Charles Bailey
Did she? Videos?
Angel Green
the guy chose necropolis when they were playing HOMM3 together
Josiah Clark
Yes, I've just said that: >start to mimick american n-word by translating it into "m-słowo" It's really embarrassing.
Jacob Campbell
What happened there?
Noah Moore
Because VKRAINE fell and the economy is shit and we had to flee here
No worries though our countries always collapse, its just part of the slavic yin-yang
Kevin Cruz
brain damage
Zachary Ramirez
Procopius, Book V, XXVII, 134: "(...) This exploit, then, was accomplished by the Goths on the third day after they were repulsed in the assault on the wall. But twenty days after the city and harbor of Portus were captured, Martinus and Valerian arrived, bringing with them sixteen hundred horsemen, the most of whom were Huns and Sclaveni and Antae, who are settled above the Ister River not far from its banks."
Procopius about Slavic invaders capturing and enslaving a lot of Romans: Procopius, Book VII, XIII - describing events in year 545 AD: "(...) For a great throng of the barbarians, the Sclaveni, had, as it happened, recently crossed the Ister, plundering the adjoining country and enslaved a very great number of Romans. (...)"
Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) In Illyria and Thracia, from the Ionian Gulf to Byzantine surrounding cities, where Hellas and Chersonese regions are situated, (...) the Sclavenes and the Antes, penetrating practically every year since Justinian administering the Roman Empire, were inflicting irreversible damage to their inhabitants. In each invasion I estimate 200,000 Romans were either took as prisoners or killed (...)"
Procopius about Roman attempts to stop the Slavic invasion: "(...) the Empire wasn't able to find just one only man just as brave to undertake this task."
Pope Gregory I in a letter to Exarch of Italy from year 599: "(...) It deeply afflicts and disquiets me the Slavic nation that menace us. It afflicts me from what I already suffer from you, it disquiets me because they have already started to penetrate into the Italic peninsula through Istria. (...)"
And according to Priscus, in 610 Slavic tribes flooded into Greece. Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) Nay further, they [the Slavs] do not differ at all from one another in appearance. For they are all exceptionally tall and stalwart men, while their bodies and hair are neither very fair or blond, nor indeed do they incline entirely to the dark type (...)".
Blake Ross
he is just repeating how his dad beat him when he was a kid
Ayden Gray
lmao you aight westboy
Alexander Rogers
Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) In more or less the same time [549 - 550] a Slavic army (...) gathered itself together and after crossing without encountering any resistance from anyone the river Ister [Danube], and later with similar ease the river Heuros, it divided itself for two parts. (...) Commanders of Roman garrisons in Illyria and Thrace fought against both those parts and even though they had already separated from each other, the Romans suffered - contrary to their expectations - a defeat, and some of them fell dead on the spot, while others found salvation in escaping. (...) After all garrisons had suffered such defeats at the hands of either one or the other one of barbarian armies, one of enemy bands fought against troops of Asbadus. He was a member of Emperor Justinian's personal guard (...) and he led a numerous and elite force of cavalry, which had been garrisoned for a long time inside the Thracian stronghold of Tdzurulon. But also, they were forced to retreat by the Slavs and most of them, shamefully escaping, got slaughtered, while Asbadus himself was captured and temporarily left alive, but soon after that the Slavs skinned him alive and threw him into a burning campfire. After that the Slavs were plundering all neighbouring Thracian and Illyrian lands without any obstacles and both of their two units captured many strongholds. (...) And those who had defeated Asbados, later plundered in turn everything up to the sea coast, and captured in an assault the coastal city of Toperus (...) And they slaughtered 25,000 men, plundered everything, and enslaved all the children and all the women. (...)"
Christian Jackson
yep, many slavs ended in Spain, one of them even had an independent taifa in Denia
Ayden Nguyen
John of Ephesus That same year, being the third after the death of king Justin, was famous also for the invasion of an accursed people, called Slavonians (Sclavenes), who overran the whole of Greece, and the country of the Thessalonians, and all Thrace, and captured the cities, and took numerous forts, and devastated and burnt, and reduced the people to slavery, and made themselves masters of the whole country, and settled in it by main force, and dwelt in it as though it had been their own without fear. And four years have now elapsed, and still, because the king is engaged in the war with the Persians, and has sent all his forces to the East, they live at their ease in the land, and dwell in it, and spread themselves far and wide as far as God permits them, and ravage and burn and take captive. And to such an extent do they carry their ravages that they have even ridden up to the outer wall of the city, and driven away all the king’s herds of horses, many thousands in number, and whatever else they could find. And even to this day, being the year 895 (A. D. 584), they still encamp and dwell there, and dwell in peace in the Roman territories, and lead captive and slay and burn: and they have grown rich in gold and silver, and herds of horses, and arms, and have learnt to fight better than the Romans.
Menander Protector About the fourth year of the reign of Caesar Tiberius Constantine, some hundred thousand Slavs broke into Thrace, and pillaged that and many other regions. As Greece was being laid waste by the Slavs, with trouble liable to flare up anywhere, and as Tiberius had at his disposal by no means sufficient forces, he sent a delegation to the Khagan of the Avars.
Strategikon of Maurice They do not keep prisoners in perpetual slavery like other peoples, but they demarcate for them a limited period of time, after which they give them a choice: they can return home after purchasing their freedom, or stay among them as free people and friends.
Juan Hall
“Strategikon of Maurice: "...being freedom-loving, they are in no way inclined to become slaves or to obey, especially in their own land." (Strategikon of Maurice, ed. prep. V. V. Kuchma. SPb., 2004, p. 189)”
Jordanes: "(...) These people, as we started to say at the beginning of our account or catalogue of nations, though off-shoots from one stock, have now three names, that is, Venedi, Antes and Sclaveni. (...) they now rage in war far and wide, in punishment for our sins (...) Though their names are now dispersed amid various clans and places, yet they are chiefly called Sclaveni and Antes. (...)"
Procopius of Caesarea: "(...) Belisarius was eager to capture alive one of the men of note among the enemy, in order that he might learn what the reason might be why the barbarians were holding out in their desperate situation. And Valerian promised readily to perform such a service for him. For there were some men in his command, he said, from the nation of the Sclaveni, who are accustomed to conceal themselves behind a small rock or any bush which may happen to be near and pounce upon an enemy. In fact, they are constantly practicing this in their native haunts along the river Ister, both on the Romans and on the barbarians as well. (...)"
Abraham ben Jacob (a 10th century Sephardic Jewish traveler from Muslim Spain): "(...) Slavic countries extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the Northern Ocean. (...) Generally speaking, Slavs are warlike and violent, and if not their internal discord and lack of unity, no other nation would be able to match them in strength. (...)"
To be fair, those were Polabian Slavs who were defeated in battle and sold into slavery by fellow Slavs (big money business).
Juan Clark
thank you for sharing this based Bosniac
Anthony Davis
And about the arrival of the Croats and Serbs (but it was much later - not during the 500’s, but during the 600’s): Constantine Porphyrogennetos, "De Administrando Imperio":
"(...) their ancestors were Pagan Croats and Serbs, known also as White [Croats and Serbs]. Great Croatia, called also White [Croatia], until today is still Pagan, just like neighboring [Lusatian / West Slavic] Serbs [Sorbs] (...)"
Another excerpt - "De Administrando Imperio": "(...) Therefore everyone, who would like to do research about Dalmatia, can read herein about the way how the Slavic peoples took it. The Croats with their families came to Dalmatia and found the Avars in possession of that land. After fighting against each other for some time, the Croats defeated the Avars, partially murdered them and partially forced them to submissiveness. Since that moment the country was seized by the Croats. (...)"
“Daurentius is the first Slavic chieftain to be recorded by name, by the Byzantine historian Menander Protector, who reported that the Avar khagan Bayan I sent an embassy, asking Daurentius and his Slavs to accept Avar suzerainty and pay tribute, because the Avars knew that the Slavs had amassed great wealth after repeatedly plundering the Byzantine Balkan provinces. Daurentius reportedly retorted that "Others do not conquer our land, we conquer theirs [...] so it shall always be for us.”
Daurentius (to the Avar envoy): "Who is, then, the man which basks in sunlight that threatens to conquer our strength? We are used to ruling over others, not to being ruled over - of that we are certain for as long as wars are waged and swords are forged".