How the fuck is food so cheap in Europe compared to the US?

How the fuck is food so cheap in Europe compared to the US?
>bread - 0.40 pound (here bread is $1)
>can of beans - 0.22 (here it would be $2)
>can of fish - 0.27 (here $1)
>can of peas - 0.15 (here $1)

Attached: pepehead.jpg (1600x1066, 63.6K)

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because you live in a greedy corporate shithole where people in the higher positions financially rape the ones in the lower positions

Europe doesn't use pounds

that happens in europe too

Britain is part of Europe too. Anyway the conversion is 1.35 lb to $1 and 1.22 euro to $1, so if the numbers are similar in your country they're still cheaper.

Also the guy just fucking walks past a wild apple tree and picks up apples lmao what the fuck

He starts picking up oysters at the beach

...And? Are Americans not allowed to pick apples or what the fuck is so shocking about that?

We don't just walk past fruit trees lol (and they'd be on private property if we did).

>Americans can't pick blackberries off a bush in spring

Attached: 1595358393411.jpg (660x574, 45.3K)

cool video desu

>said the kettle
but it’s true we suck

Is that weird to you? I eat foraged good all the time. Nothing like blueberry pancakes that you made from scratch.

>3 meals with 1 pound
>Literally discarded scrap on discount
You can a burger at Mcdonalds for $1 and that will fill you up more than w/e he made there.

Brexit means brexit.

What's wrong with that

>be american
>want a shitty pizza
>that's $16 plus tip

Attached: pizza.png (720x476, 314.33K)

>$16 plus tips

the whole point of the eu is to protect internal markets against outside competition, has less to pay for

>Why do corporations want to make more money from less product?
OP is clearly a big brain

>bread - 0.40 pound (here bread is $1)

Attached: 1_xGNNA5G_kam9J_1-ZtuIQw.jpg (985x992, 296.41K)

i pick wild cherries every summer, get off your proxy theres no way you dont have un-privatised trees

Protect Germany and France from outside competition while destroying inside competition.*
There's a reason why Europe is rapidly falling behind China and the US when it comes to innovation.

this used to be more common in USA but it is becoming less common today. as a kid we would go into strawberry fields, pick as many as we wanted, and pay before we leave. this sort of thing is becoming less and less common, though

Really? Where do you live?
What innovation is there for food lol
I'm willing to bet a pound of mozzarella cheese in Europe costs less than the $4 it costs here.

OP is a retard. Prices vary by state.

Where I grew, it was super common. Specially with the kids, that would go into the neighours trees, climb, and eat fruits.

They arent native here. But you can pick wile strawberries and blueberries which are native to the Americas.

seriously? I found European food a lot more expensive, especially in denmark and the Netherlands. Meat is overpriced too.

>tfw buy a whole cow for about $2.30/lb
Food is cheap as fuck when you know where to look.

probably depends. Because of how much trade there is an farmers getting absolutely insane subsidies basics are cheap as fuck but they can't touch the new world when it comes to stuff like meat

yeah, nothing like hiking and picking wild blueberries. The lake near me had plenty of wild blueberries and rosehip berries this summer and no one ever picks them. I collected 5 whole buckets and canned them.

I used to do this with my grandfather. There was an apple tree hanging over a farmer's hedge and over the path we walked, so we'd get a dozen apples: one apiece for the two of us, and ten to feed the farmer's horse by hand

Lovely memories