>be slavic aryan chad in balkans in year 700
>tons of med pussy on disposal for you to fuck, anyday, anyhow
so.. we were created out of.. fetish?
I have just thought of something
So are most human beings, live with it
>slavic aryan
I have some bad news for you user …
what do you mean?
Early South Slavs were never blonde to begin with.
7th century Croats and Serbs (in the middle).
Embrace your inner Great Plains Indian aesthetic.
those were already mixed with illryians then. ancient polish and czech sample is almost identical to their countries today and they don’t look this dark
oh lol that’s so broad. just narrow it down like this, look at me between slavs(poles) and illyrians(northern italians)
>mixed already with Illyrians
>haven't even arrived to the peninsula by the time they sent the delegations
Cope more, MENOSLAV, and besides, South Slavs were never paleoids to begin with, not even back then.
Procopius of Caesarea:
"(...) Nay further, they [the Slavs] do not differ at all from one another in appearance. For they are all exceptionally tall and stalwart men, while their bodies and hair are neither very fair or blond, nor indeed do they incline entirely to the dark type (...)".
It's not broad, it specifies all of the ancient peoples with whom the Early Slavs have intermixed with in Southeastern Europe.
idk, man. it just makes sense that our slavic ancestors looked like today’s poles and belarussians, you know?
what do you think that i would get if im polish 59 and north italian 41? i’d do this but it’s so complicated that i’d probably get a seizure
they seriously need a search tab. it’s 2020 and i’m using a 20 years ol’ site scrolling down like a retard
You were provided with visual representations of your ancestors from the early Middle Ages (first fresco is from the 10th, the second from the 7th century), and besides, the bulk of South Slavic CTS is from Western Ukraine, the Eastern Carpathians and Southern Poland, which are still predominately brown-haired, with large head dimensions and above-average height and broad constitution.
Svetovid, is it correct to assume that the original Sclaveni looked akin to darker Slavic types like Lukashenko or Shevchenko? Why does such pigmentation occur for a population in close geographical proximity to the Baltic?
As I've provided visual representation of how we looked in the distant past, and even a quote that further verifies it, we don't have to assume anything, but yes, Lukashenko's looks very South Slavic.
>predominately brown-haired, with large head dimensions and above-average height and broad constitution.
I'm exactly like this and desu I instead wish I were a blonde androgynous /fa/ Swedish twink with gracile ectomorphic Farmer built and hyper-dolichocephalic cranium
we’re more southern shifting than those slavs due to balkanite dna
i’m originally from bosnia but really pale and WHITE
That's only because the Paleo-Balkan peoples we've assimilated had vastly different DNA compared to early South Slavs, and Early Slavs in general (and the peoples with whom West and East Slavs mixed).
>pic related
i’m the whitest bosnjo on this site
yea i’m just saying that when people from balkans talk in those pure slavs name, like they’re not really “us” as we are a mix
I know that our genetics correspond to what we claim as our ethnogenesis but I can't stop associating dark skin with mudblood, it's literal psychological torture reconciling our pigmentation with our genetics, while Meds are based I can't get the subconscious idea out of my head that it's all due to various strains of gypsy, sandnigger or roach filth flowing through us, I really want to cleanse this region from every ambiguous looking dark remnant
i saw your face though, you look kind of like a turk. i got lucky because both of my parents are swarthier than me
>haven't even arrived to the peninsula by the time they sent the delegations
the pic is from Porphyrogenitus and thus a representation of what the Slavs of Illyria looked like in 950 as opposed to 650
i’m originally from bosnian krajina, to be exact
Everyone was. Women were outright considered spoils of war and one of the big reasons why guys signed up to travel hundreds of miles away to risk life.
Thing is, that isn't "dark" skin, that's a tan with a reddish hue, and think of it this way, we killed off the majority of the Romanized native men, and shagged all the big asssed Mediterranean princesses (most of our mtDNA is Neolithic).
I have a fetish with Mediterranean women, Greek, Italian and Spanish, big asses, narrow waist and brown hair with a tan. If they happen to have a braid, I'm putting a kid inside of her, and that's the legacy of our ancestors.
No skinny blonde sluts, only meaty Mediterranean goddesses.
too bad you look like a shitskin yourself svetovid so what’s the point
Gypsy cope. If you arent blond and blue eyed, you are a turko-gypsy unholy abomination. Retards calling themselves "med", "native" or whatever else are just coping gypsies.
Balkan needs a bounty put on every gypsy and a free state sponsored flamethrower for every proper (aka blond) citizen if we ever want to get out of this mess.
No, it's based off of Procopius', Mauricius' and Menander's written descriptions of the Sclavenes, there's a reason why all visual representations of Early Medieval South Slavs are identical.
>dark hair
go back gypsy.
It's rather due to being slightly acromegalous by some Dinaric strain in my appearance and consequently looking deformed, I'm both light-haired and light-eyed as well as fair-skinned
These eyes are brighter than your future
nothing against you personally but you have brown eyes and in my eyes that’s mudblood;swarthy;medshit. you know how all that goes
My eyes are green.
why is every damn balkan flag a haploautist?
Yeah I have the same weakness for women with an Atlanto-Med appearance, they're not necessarily prettier but just more ''caliente'', I try to force myself to like blondes (which I simply don't, they leave my dick limp)
The only good-looking blondes are those meaty Russian blondes, others are flat as a busted tire and very plain.
Oh ok that’s based, but you still have a negative canthal tilt which is unfortunately for you a mudblood trait svetovid
Thing is, I subconsciously want children with leaner, more athletic, fashionable and modern industrial physiques, hence I seek out women with ectomorphic appearance, not that it's sexier or anything but more aesthetically pleasing to look at