It's clear that intergrating them into the EU and such was a gigantic mistake...
What would have been the best way to manage eastern europe after the Cold War?
>It's clear that intergrating them into the EU and such was a gigantic mistake...
Stop coping, the EU only benefited from that.
i agree, it was a gigantic mistake for us (well, a mistake for the average people and the country). the good guys should have won the cold war
t. don't respect EU laws but leech on EU monies
>Implying the EU has any democratic legitimacy.
I don't remember voting Ursula and Michel.
just give us all to Russia so that our economies dip and half of the continent sinks back into poverty and we start sending criminals to the west and Russia can put a rocket base right on the Odra river, 20km from Berlin! Yeah, that's much better than having those filthy Slavs in the EU!
Genocide Slavs.
Give the land to Germany.
Didn't Austria get yeeted out of the EU in 2000 when you fuckers voted for actual sieg heiling nazis?.
Stop being a hypocrite and get ready to get gaschambered by poles and other slavs in 100 years.
Sounds fun ngl
Oh no, Slavic people the horror!
I guess, you prefer Muhammad brown cock more.
>Didn't Austria get yeeted out of the EU in 2000
>tfw real
Imagine getting sanctioned for wrong-voting.
>imagine dying a Volkswagen Phaeton and still crashing it
Western Europeans used to be ~90% of world GDP in the 1900s. Today they are less than 10%.
The time of western Europeans asking themselves about this or that is over. With multiculturalism, western Europe will keep sinking into obscurity and grenade atta-oops, I meant diversity firework incidents.
You uppity faggots fell off your high horse, a single Russian submarine can practically end all urban life in western Europe meanwhile your national priorities are still 'diversity and inclusion' and other such buzzwords while the actual world powers are colonizing the Arctic.
Westoids know this very well but they play the blame game and want to make it seem like it was some huge selfless act of charity to integrate the East into the EU.
And it's not just bants on the internet. Their media and their shills in Eastern Europe really do want to make people believe this so they can keep political leverage in the East.
delete the women
enslave the men
>serbian intellectuals
not even once
My solution
EU Tier 1 = Western Europe with the same currency and cultural homogenity
EU Tier 2 = Secondary euro currency for eastern europe, purely economical relationship, cultural matters such as LGBT etc. are dictated by the EU
sorry cultural matters are NOT dicateted by the EU
Grosspapa is not coming back.
>t.doesnt understand representative democracy
Bro Germany has benefited the most from our membership. You look at meme gibs that are MEANT to go towards underdeveloped areas of the EU by design and sperg out about it without understanding shit about the economy
>representative democracy
so not democracy, electing your nobles is the biggest cope
Imagine making an union and declaring some members second tier, great idea
do poles seriously not see themselves as a 666th class citizens, a cheap labor colony of toilet cleaners in the grand scheme of nato?
boggles the mind, your nation decided to accept this
KEK, It's the opposite.
The West only benefitted from the forced privatisation of utilities and productive forces and the influx of cheap but educated labour, not to mention the offshoring of production lines to post-Warsaw Pact countries.
In essence, the EU is just western taxpayers subsidising Gallo-Germanic megacorps.
>benefits from what it needed the most
We should visit the Danube and go look for your grandfather, together.
This is exactly what germany does
Poland is one of the most powerful armies in the nato, idk what are you even smoking but ok, eastern branch of nato benefits from it like nobody in europe especially by countering russian expansionism in the region, especially baltics benefited from this, by saving their territories that could become another donetsk
never thought I'd see a hungaroid post an accurate eu analysis
Don't ask a leaf they are too dumb
If, or better yet, when Russia invades, the NATO will just retreat to Germany and Austria, and leave you at their mercy.
>Serbs projecting their inferiority complex and obsession with serfdom once again
i dont know the average person's opinion on this but yeah, i do see myself as such
what could have been...
>t. was liberated by Serbs
>toilet cleaners
we wish we could be stable cleaners but this post was already occupied by someone
You're not in NATO so your opinion doesnt count
It's strategically and logistically impossible under the current troop and base placement, but whatever makes you sleep at night.
Also Russia will never invade Poland. Maybe Baltics but that's unlikely...because of NATO. If they weren't there they would be exposed to a great danger
>the EU is just western taxpayers subsidising Gallo-Germanic megacorps.
This is true. It's not even a "conspiracy theory" it's just an accurate observation without judgement. I would even say this was inevitable given the demographics, economics and geopolitics of Europe.
EU is like a super leftie SJW deep state. They are so quick on forcing democracy on previously communist states and on top of that enforce policies like a restriction on how you do french fries (yeah seriously).
Its no wonder they were quick on having demagoges in Poland and Hungary
From who, retard? You occupied it. How retarded can you people get?
To go back to the way it was.
thats where i live
20 mins walk from my commieblock
does this happen in your cunt?